The list

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Haaaay guys. I'm so sorry that my first chapter was SO SHORT! D; but this is chapter is longer, so I hope you like it! xx ~

"What's this?" the paper was old and wrinkled with faded writing, but it was still visible to read.

"Okay, do you remember in the 6th grade when we all made that list of things we were all gonna do together when were older?" Jasmine said very loudly.

"Oh my god yes! I can't belive you guys found it!! Where was it?"

I totally forgot about this. When I was looking over it and seeing all the stuff that we wanted to do over when were wayyyy younger. We were all seniors in high school now so, it wasn't that long until we were gonna be actual adults.

"Me and Amanda were looking through stuff in my closet and we found all my old binders from middle school. We HAD to look through it cuz we wanted to see how immature and weird we all were!" Oh my god, we were so stupid! I though to myself.

"I saw a folded piece of paper in the back of my science binder, so I opened it up and saw the list! I showed it to Amanda and she thought maybe we could still do this stuff.. After that we called Lillie and told her, then we came and told you!"

As I looked over the list I saw all the stuff we wanted to do together. It wasn't all just typical stupid middle school girl goals that some girls want to do but never end up doing. All of it was stuff that we could actually do together... ;



•Move to London!

•Buy a flat and all share it!

•Start a business with the besties!(:


• Marry Niall (Jasmine), Harry (Amanda), Zayn (Lillie) & Louis! (Maddy)


Oh God. Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis were guys from our school that we were in love with! There was also Liam but, he had a girlfriend so he wasn't up for choice.

Niall, he was the brown haired Irish one. He was so cute with his little accent! But he didn't think so, he was so insecure about himself. I don't know why though, he was PERFECT. Especially to Jasmine!

Louis, oh god. Don't get me started. I had the biggest crush on him, EVER! His hair, his eyes, his personality.. HIS EVERYTHING!!

Zayn, UFFFF. He was like a sex god. HIS HAIR. THAT QUIFF MADE ALL OF US GO CRAZY. The accent. Oh gosh, in class when he told the teacher his name, he said it like 'hi, mah nems zen.' It was so cute!

Harry, he was the perv of all of them. But he didn't care, cuz he got all the ladys anyway. But the thing is, its his hair. Cuz one day his hairs straight, then the next its curly. It was so weird.

And last Liam. He had such a soft heart. And he was nice. But he got bullied which was so sad.. I always saw some 8th graders picking on him.. He would start to cry and run away, that was so mean of those kids.

"Maybe we could still do all this. Except for the last part about marrying them,"

They all moved away to who knows where when we got into high school.

"We're still in school, we all get good grades. We could all get a scholar ship to a collage in London. Hopefully we all get accepted into the same though."

"True.." They all said.

"Let's do it then! We have nothing to loose!!"

"YEA!" We all said with excitement.

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