Just Go With The Magic Baby

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Brendon wasn't like other boys. He wasn't good at Sports, Maths, English, Art. He wasn't that good at Music, he just had a billion instruments. One thing he was good at though, was hairdressing.


Brendon was a part-time hairdresser: he needed a job to get money and he likes hairdressing so, hey, works out. Brendon is the only male that works there. That's kinda funny once you put it into perspective. A gay guy working at a hairdressers: funny, eh?

Brendon loved his job - sometimes. Sure, guys with tanned skin, muscles and perfect blue eyes came in but that didn't stop those fake ass girls with those lip implants and that botox and god knows what else they do with the butts as well the rest of their body.

Anyways, it just so happened that a guy came in. Well, guys come in all the time but it was a cute one. This one couldn't even be described as hot because he wasn't, he was cute. But, he wasn't Brendon's normal type: this guy had pale skin, a lack of muscles - he was lanky - but he had hazel eyes, they were mesmerising. So, this guy was totally the opposite of what he normally went for but hey, he swore to shook it up, and he is.

Brendon may seem desperate but all his relationships ended badly. I mean, he's only been in 2 but still, they basically put him off relationships but this guy is changing his mindset.

Brendon went up to the reception where this guy was waiting. He held a pen in his hand and tapped the counter, "hey, what can I do for you, sir?" Same old, same old.

The guy must have been in deep thought as when Brendon had spoke, he looked up, startled. Stuttering, he said, "oh, uh- just uh-" he made a scissor snipping action with his index and middle finger and pointed to his hair. Ah, he was kind of a klutz.

"Okay, follow me," with a hand motion, Brendon walked off hoping this guy would follow him and walked off to get a cloak so none of the hair would fall into the guy's clothing. The guy sat down obediently and when Brendon arrived, he offered a small smile.

"So, how much do you want cut off, eh?" Brendon asked, asking the same question about a billion times a day got exhausting after a while. Perhaps he was exaggerating about "a billion" but no one needs to know that.

"A, uh, an inch. Maybe two, um, just do a, uh, inch and yeah-" he stopped himself before he continued talking nonsense. Brendon smirked at his little ramble and picked up the scissors.

"Ready?" Asked Brendon and with a nod of confirmation, combed the guy's hair and snipped a little bit off at a time. "So, uh, what's your name?" The guy asked conversationally.

Brendon pointed to his name badge. It was common sense, he had a name badge for a reason but the guy seemed to want a conversation so Brendon replied with, "Brendon. Brendon Urie, yours?"

"Ross. I, uh- Ryan Ross." Ryan Ross answered. Brendon hummed to show he was listening and continued trimming a little bit. A couple more minutes of peaceful silence passed by when Brendon said, "done" and gave Ryan - he was getting used to the name - a mirror.

Ryan nodded jerkily, then nodded again. "Yeah, yeah," Ryan got up off the chair, letting a few loose hairs fall to the floor, which Brendon then sweeped up with a broom. Ryan gave the desired money, and with a small smile and nod, walked out the hairdressers.

Brendon continued to stare after Ryan even after he had turned a left round the corner.


Jon works at Starbucks, Jon is Brendon's best friend, Jon has a boyfriend called Spencer and Spencer is also Brendon's best friend. Jon was working at Starbucks, talking to Spencer when Brendon ran in shouting "hello!" in their general direction. This, of course, caused some heads to turn and glare but Brendon ignored them and let them get back to their basic white girl drinks.

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