Love And A Broken Heart

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It all started when Harry,Liam,Zayn,Louis,,Niall moved to my school ,it was a peaceful

day when our miss told us that we have new students that's when Harry ,Niall,

Zayn,Louis,Liam walked through the door .As soon as Harry walked through the door

my eyes were glued on him that's when our miss paired us up Harry with Candy,Zayn,

your with Amelia ,Niall your with Norisha ,Louis your with Devi,Laim your with Yatasha .

When Harry sat next to me our eyes met our eyes were glued on each other right before

he said any thing the bell rang and it spoiled my mood because I have science now but

right before I left Harry pulled aside an ask me out I was going to burst in exciment so

I said yes ,but right before I left Harry gave me a kiss on the cheek. When I was exiting

the classroom I immediately told Norisha what happened and she said that's almost the

same thing that happen between her and Niall.When we were entering science we were

so heartbroken because I saw Harry kissing Sarika and Niall kissing Devi both on the



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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