Same Love

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His gold blond hair absorbs my thoughts
His eyes, crystal blue
Take every dream I've ever dreamt
Every feeling I've ever felt
And made them insignificant

As I walk into class
My eyes meet his
But only for a moment
I enjoy this moment's grace
But troubling me is the world
That can't accept how I feel
Can't take the difference

But difference is what makes us human, isn't it?

Chemistry is hard
He helps me out
But I can't focus on the work
Only on his voice
Which itself fills me
With a chemical bliss
That, that takes me home
As I walk home

If only he were here
It would really be home
As I fall into sleep
I can't help
But whisper his name
And I dream
Be it a nightmare
"He'll never love me"
Or a beautiful escape
Such as a goodnight kiss

Waking up is a challenge sometimes
Knowing you'll be ostracized
The moment you walk out the door
School is hard because of this
But he defends me
Saves me from them
And myself

It's the same love, isn't it?
That everyone else feels
Then why, oh why
Do they think it so different?
Is it so wrong?
To wish to love
And be loved
Without worrying about the whole world falling in?
If only we could change
If they could change
Then my life
Our lives
Could be lived

If a cause is worth fighting for
Then we should fight for it right
So in class the next day
I fought back against oppression
With an amicable grace
As only the heart
Can fight the heartless

If a life is worth living
It's worth living with pride
So an exposition of myself
To the school
My family
The world
Is necessary to truly live
And this exposition will indeed
Incite hatred against me among my peers
But among those whom it doesn't
Will give a new level of trust
Of honesty
Of pride

And to him
Typically I would show and not tell
Feel but not say
A long discussion
Of the workings of the world
Is enough
To bring us closer
Talking of those we love
I have to tell him
Usually I would hold my tongue
But today
And to him
I say and I say simply
A world of stories in just three words
And the highlight of my life
What I've been waiting for
Just four words more come back at me
That's all I need

An embrace
A tingle runs down my neck
As we express what we couldn't before
Without a single word
And all in that moment
My world came together
But as fast as it came
It had gone
We knew
Others would not see it the same
But in that moment
It did not matter
For all that mattered
Was him and I

This is love
The same love
That you feel
That everyone feels
No one should be shunned
Because of something so natural
Something so wonderful
So beautiful

We may be different
But different doesn't mean bad
And when it comes down to it
We aren't that different at all
It is the same love, after all
But even if we are different
Different does mean human

We are human
No label fits us better
No label is more equable
More inclusive
Than human

Life can be hard sometimes
Especially when you are ignored
Or even harassed
By society
By standards
But he still defends me
And the icing on the cake?
I get to defend him too

I head home once again
And after my work is done
I fall into sleep
A wondrous sleep
And I dreamt

A serene path
To him I walk
The music plays, beautifully
My parents
My friends
Everyone can see our love
It is undeniable, what we have
For now and forever on
We can have it together

I will leave you with this
What does it matter, who you love?
We are human
Made to love
Made to be different
And loving him
Makes me no less of a man
It is the same love, after all
So love it shall be

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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