Chapter 23: Dinner

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Kylie's POV

Both me and Taylor kept looking at Elizabeth, waiting for her to give us a sign that she had read it. As we wanted to give up, she looked up and straight at me. That's when I felt that strange feeling inside me again, alright what is she doing?

Taylor saw us looking at each other and looked from Elizabeth at me. She's probably wondering what's going on, I would like to know too, but nobody is explaining things to me either.

Suddenly I felt my throat closing, this already had happened to me before. Now I knew she was the cause of that. I kept looking at Elizabeth, I didn't want to show any weak sign, even though I felt like I was going to faint.

I made sure I kept looking into Elizabeth's eyes, I don't think she liked that because suddenly she looked angry and my throat closed even more. Right now Taylor must've noticed that something definitely was wrong, because she tried getting the attention from Elizabeth. But because of that Nina looked up too and saw I was having troubles.

"Babe, are you alright?" she asked and hurried to me. I nodded but still couldn't breath, Elizabeth only became more angry and made my throat close even more. Alright that's the limit I could go to, I was starting to feel lightheaded. "You sure?" Nina asked as she caressed my face to which I nodded.

'Stop this, you don't need to do this!', I thought. Last time it looked like Elizabeth could read my thoughts, so maybe this time too. I saw her facial expression change, so she must've heard what I thought. 'Please stop this, I need to breathe, please.' I said, looking sad at her. And as fast as it came, it went away. Suddenly I could breathe again.

"Alright, detention is over, go home." Elizabeth said and walked away, but at the door she turned around and walked towards me. She stood in front of my desk and looked at me, just as I was looking at her. She placed my phone back onto my desk and after that walked away.

"She's such a weird teacher." Nina said to which both me and Taylor nodded in agreement.


"So, why am I here?" Nina asked me as we stood in front of my house. Taylor had just dropped us of here and I asked Nina to come with me to my house.

"My parents want to meet you, after all you're my girlfriend now." I said, smiling.

She smiled too and took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers. "That's right, you're mine." she said, afterwards she kissed me.

"I'm yours." I said, leaning my forehead against hers. "We should go inside now."

"Yeah, maybe we should." she said and smiled.

I opened the door and let Nina enter first, even when we were inside my house, she didn't let go of my hand. "I'm home!" I shouted.

"We're in the kitchen, sweetie!" I heard my mom say.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Nina, I wanted her to be ready, I didn't want her to feel pressured.

"I'm ready, besides they sound really nice." she said and smiled at me.

"Alright, let's go." I said and walked to the kitchen with Nina. Once inside, my parents were to busy to notice I had brought someone with me. Mom was making dinner while dad was reading the newspaper. "Hey, I'm here."

"Hey Kylie." dad said and kept reading his newspaper.

"Hey sweetie." mom said and kept doing whatever she was doing.

I looked at Nina, who looked at me. "I brought someone." I said, at this both of them glanced just a few seconds before looking back to their things. "Really? Usually you would look and be interested and stuff... But now that I have brought my girlfriend, you're like this? Unbelievable!"

Both of them stopped doing whatever they were doing and went to sit at the table, they motioned for us to sit down too. "Your girlfriend?" mom asked as she had the biggest smile onto her face, she looked at Nina and smiled even more.

"Mom, dad, this is Nina, my girlfriend." I said to my parents. "Nina, these are my parents." I said to Nina.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs.Young." Nina said and extended her hand.

"You can call me Beth." mom said to Nina while she shook her hand.

"And me Roy." dad said while he shook her hand.

"Alright, and you can call me Nina." Nina said, laughing a little, which was so cute.

"So, you two are in love?" mom asked to which I gave her a stern look. "What? You must be otherwise you wouldn't be in a relationship." she said to me.

Nina looked at my mom afterwards at me. "I think love is a big word to already use between the two of us, but I definitely see a possibility to love Kylie."

"Good answer." dad said as he winked at Nina.

"You're testing her!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Hey, at least she passed it!" mom said, laughing. "So Nina, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"If it's alright with you all..." she said, being the shy person she was.

"Of course it is!" dad said and smiled at her.


Nina stayed for dinner, afterwards we watched a movie together and that's when she had to go back home. I already miss her, I think I really like her. And she was right, I definitely see a possibility to love her too.

During dinner she made an amazing first impression on my parents, but I hadn't thought otherwise. My mom and dad told me she was a keeper, mainly because she's so caring about me and the people around her.

When she had to go, she told me she wanted me to get to know her parents. I was scared at first, but she managed to let me agree to meet her parents. After all, she met mine too, it's only fair. I will meet them tomorrow after school and I can even spend the night.

I liked how things were going between me and Nina, but sometimes I wonder: Aren't we going a little to fast? But what if I enjoyed it? Is it really such a bad thing that we're going a little bit fast in our relationship? Besides, we're young, we should enjoy our love.

When she was gone, I went to my bedroom, thinking about Nina and our future. Something that always kept returning was Elizabeth. What is she going to do? Will she do something to me? If so, what is she going to do? I just don't know. I hate this uncertainty about everything. I would like to enjoy my teenage years and my teenage love, but with Elizabeth it's hard.

I mean, even when I'm laying here in my bed, in my dark room, I'm looking everywhere to see if it's safe. Isn't that sad? To not feel safe in your own house.

I looked at the necklace, it was still dark. Elizabeth's hungry, I wonder when she's going to try to feed. She could easily get into my house when I would be asleep and feed when I'm sleeping. Now that I think about that, I should definitely look more around.

I sat up a little to reach for the light. I turned it on and went to lay back down and that's when my heart almost stopped beating. The dark figure was standing right next to my bed, looking at me.

"Look, I know who you are, I know what you want, but you won't get it! You hear me!" I shouted and went to sit up even more.

Again I could see it's teeth, so it was smiling again. Suddenly it took me by the collar of my shirt and threw me back onto my bed, it came to lay on top of me and looked at me.

"Get of me!" I demanded and tried pushing it away, but it was no use, it was stronger than me.

With one hand it held my both wrists above my head while with it's second hand it held the collar of my shirt. It looked at me and afterwards came closer to me, right next to my ear. "I'm hungry."

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