pikachu finds love

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Ash and pikachu walk on the side way and then a wild pikachu jumps on the side walk
Ash:another pikachu. I will catch it go pikachu
Pikachu:pika pika❤
The two pikachu kiss
Ash is jealous
Ash:stop pikachu your making me jealous
Wild pikachu runs away
Ashes pikachu blushing
Ash sighs
Ash:i wish someone loved me
2 hours later
Brock:how was the walk
Ash:pikachu got a kiss from another pikachu
Brock stares at pikachu intensely
Brock:you are lucky pikachu
Ash:yeah really lucky
10 hours later
Ash:goodnight misty and Brock
Brock and misty:goodnight

misty tells ash she loves himWhere stories live. Discover now