Kanto Region: First Gym and First Catch!

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         Ace was standing tall and proud, though I could tell he was probably still angry with me, and I didn't blame him. But I just wish he knew how sorry I was and that I never would've asked him to battle if it made him like this.

       "Seems like your Pokémon is actually willing to battle for you, so be grateful it doesn't think you're a total failure." Gary said from the stands as he crossed his arms in frustration.

         Sam glared at the punk trainer and stood up. "Nice going Ace and Cierra! Now show this Gym Leader What you're really made of!"

        I didn't care about what he had to say, especially when Brock started speaking. "Don't get too excited, you're still at a big disadvantage with your Fire Type against my Rock Type." Brock took out a pokéball and kissed it before throwing it out into the field. "Let's go! Onix!"

        I took out my Pokédex to scan this Onix and watched in amazement as the large Pokémon towered over me and my little Ace. "Onix, the Rock Snake Pokemon. As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black." I could even tell that the height difference was starting to get to Ace's head but I wouldn't let it happen. "Focus Ace! Let's use that new move you learned from battling, okay?" I watched as Ace nodded a bit nervously but made sure to look tough in front of the Onix and its trainer.

        "Alright trainers, this will be a one on one Pokémon battle between Cierra from Pallet Town and Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader! The first Pokémon to faint will lose the match and the last one standing will be the winner." The referee held his hand up and brought it down. "Alright, battle begin!"

      Brock was the first to make his move. "Onix, use Rock Tomb!" Large boulders we're suddenly being thrown towards Ace.

      "Ace! Use Smoke Screen!" I yelled out and soon enough the entire battlefield was disguised in a thick cloud of smoke.

       "Well done, you've completely hidden my Onix and your Charmander. But that doesn't mean a thing to us, we don't need our eyes to navigate through our battlefield! Onix, find that Charmander and use your Bind attack!"

       My eyes widened from his words and before I could say anything else, I heard Ace crying out in pain from the Wrap attack that was being used on him. "C'mon Ace, hang in there a bit longer!" I heard Ace's cries, but soon enough the cries stopped and I could barely see what was happening. "Ace!!! Use Ember on the smoke now!"

      "What?!" Brock was caught off guard but suddenly knew what I was up to. "Onix drop hi-" It was too late, Ace and I knew that his Smoke Screen was flammable and once lit it caused a massive explosion that sent the Onix and Ace flying back from one another. It also caused both me and Brock, along with Gary and Sam to be pushed back as well.

      Ace landed on his feet and got ready for another attack. "What do you think of us now? Still think I'm just a pipsqueak?" I chuckled and watched as Brock's Onix stood back up, luckily the explosion had done a good amount of damage on the Pokémon, but it still wasn't enough.

       "Onix use Bind, and make sure you cover up the Charmander's mouth!" The Onix went straight to action, wrapping his large tail around my Charmander again, this time making sure that Ace couldn't use his Ember or Smoke Screen attack. Though, those moves weren't my secret weapon at all. It was something else that I knew would have us win for sure!....Hopefully....

       "Ace! Use Metal Claw now!" Ace made a muffled noise as it dug it's now iron claws into the large Onix, and pulling itself out of the Bind attack before attacking the Onix with a fury of Metal Claw.

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