Chyenne Marie ConnorI watched as everybody in the hall talked and conversed with eachother. They were talking about their summers and how much fun they had. I wasnt talking to no one because no one noticed me.
They didnt notice that it was the same Chyenne the all teased for being fat and poor last year. The summer had truly changed me, I was a new person. I didnt only look like it but it surely felt like it too.
I was the last person to arrive in class receiving all kinds of attention that I was not used to. The guys were all staring at me while the girls all mugged me with what look like envy.
I sat in my usual seat and took out my notebook, prepared to do some work it is my senior year and if I wanted to graduate with some bomb ass grades. I had the ability to do it being 16 in the 12th grade in all.
I turned around when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Rodrick someone who always bullied me and made me feel insecure about myself. "Wassup ma, whats your name." He asked licking his ashy ass lips making me cringe on the inside.
I looked at him weirdly and answered his question. "Its me, Cheyenne." I mumbled watching the shock overcome his face. I knew this would be his reaction but I didnt care I wasnt stunting him.
He never responded to me so I just turned around and my seat. I heard him from behind me whispering to his friend, "Yo thats cheyenne bro."
"Nooo, fat cheyenne?" I hear his friend ask, I didnt even bother to continue to listen to their conversation as I slipped my headphones in and began to copy the notes from the board.
The rest of the day went on the same way, some girl even tried to argue with me saying I wasn't really me like how the fuck you gone tell me? Black people really got some nerve.
I hopped in my car and headed to my home in the projects. I wasnt rich at all but my mama sugar daddies always brought me and her clothes and shoes.
"Im home." I called out not seeing my mom but I soon got my answer when I heard the moaning coming from her room. I just shook my head and grabbed my keys, heading right back out the door. As I was pulling out of my driveway i noticed people moving in the house next to me.
I smiled as I heard my favorite song flow through the speakers of my car making me turn it up a bit. The slow beat of the song made me feel at peace.
"can we get it togetherrrrrr..." I sung loud as hell. I hopped out the car at the corner store seeing this fine ass lightskin dude standing in the front. He had super straight teeth like he had braces before.
I shot him a smile as he returned it. I wasnt going to talk to him though. I walked in the store and grabbed me some hot fries, m&m's and a big juice to drink. I paid the man, grabbed my bag and left.
I was a little disappointed when I seen the boy was gone but hopped in my car and sped off in the direction back to my house. I sat in my car for a few before I seen my neighbors daughter. She is new and we both need friends so why not try to talk to her?
"Hey!" I called out, seeing her turn around and smile.
"Hey, are you my neighbor?" She asked fixeing her shorts.
"Yeah, thats me. Im Cheyenne."
"Im Sam, we should hang out."
"I was thinking the same thing, take my number. Ill find something for us to get into tonight." I smiled taking her phone she was holding out. I quickly programmed my stuff then handed it back. "I'll see you later boo."