Chapter 8

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Zayn sat at the table while picking pepperonis off his pizza. He couldn't stop thinking about Niall. He almost kissed him! Zayn feels like such a fucking idiot. He can't believe he almost did that. Now his chances with him are ruined. Niall won't even look in his direction anymore. Like really, he even asked Mr. Griswald if he could sit in the front since he has 'trouble seeing'.


Zayn snaps his head up to the lads who are staring at him, all wearing worried looks.

"What?" he asked.

"I called your name like five times. What's wrong? You seem so out of it today. In fact, you've been out of it lately" Louis says.

"I'm fine."

"Really? Cause you don't seem like it" Harry says.

"It looks like a lot is on your mind" Liam budges.

"Look, I'm fine! Stop asking" Zayn snaps.

"Sorry" they mumble.

Zayn sighs, "Guys I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed."

Louis smiles warily, "Its okay. Its senior year. Got a lot to do."

"Hey, me and Lou were just gonna chill at my house later. Why don't you and Harry join? Have like a boys night" Liam asked. Zayn sees Louis huff and crosses his arms with an annoyed expression on his face. Weird.

He nods, "I'm down with that."

"Me too" Harry smiles.

The bell rings signaling lunch is over. Zayn heads to his locker to get out his binder for his next class. On his way, he sees Niall walking. Zayn speeds up after him and he grabs his shoulder. Niall turns but then sees who it is and turns back around.

"Niall!" Zayn calls.

But Niall only walks faster, dodging people like he's a bee.

"Niall, please!" Zayn runs in front of him and blocks his way.

"Move" Niall grits.

"You've been ignoring me" Zayn says.

"So?" Niall says. "Get out of my way."

"No, listen to me. I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know why I did-"

Niall grabs Zayn by the collar and pulls him forward. Zayn's breathing labors and he begins to wheeze. He stares into those angry, blue eyes but then to those pink lips. He tries to ignore the fact that he's slightly turned on by this.

"So you're gay?" Niall asked.

"W-what?" Zayn says dumbly. He doesn't know why he's acting stupid, he heard him.

"Are. You. Gay?" Niall emphasizes each word.

"Y-yes" Zayn breathes.

"Well I'm not. I'm fucking straight and I have a girlfriend. Don't you ever do that or something similiar to that again. I will beat the living shit out of you" Niall spits.

"O-okay" Zayn says.

Niall pushes him away and walks off. Zayn just stands their in shock. The sound of the bell blares, making him jump and he runs off to class knowing he's late.


"White House Down or Mission Impossible III?" Liam asked.

"Mission Impossible III" they all answer.

Harry and Zayn are seated on the floor while Liam takes the couch and Louis takes the loveseat. Its after school and they're now chilling at Liam's. Hopefully, Zayn will have a good time. He needs to get his mind off Niall. Besides, he hasn't had a boys night since his house and that was a little before school started.

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