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*** before the story things to note *****

◆  Karlheinz the head of the Sakamaki household had remarried , however ,the bride was a human instead of a vampire.

◆  The Sakamaki bros will be of the adult age as in the game and anime. Vampires grow till a certain age and they're stuck. That's how their age will always be

◆  And Newborn Vamps grow faster than Normal Humans.

           ______________              PROLOGUE               ______________

"WHAT!? " Ayato and Laito shouted the words across the room when they received the wedding invitation.

"Geez... " Subaru clicked his tongue irritated.

"Teddy... is Father remarrying another bitch? " Kanato hugged Teddy tighter.

"This is a sudden news." Shu spoke after the rages from the brothers, he  closed his eyes lying on the couch with his earpiece in his ears as a usual routine.

"OK,so get it straight,he is going to marry a human!?  Out of a blue and decided to send wedding invitations so abruptly to his sons!?"  The usually composed Reiji fixed his specs slightly.

Despite the rages ,the Sakamaki brothers turned up for the wedding a few days after the invitation letter was given.... But one thing they didn't expect to happen was another additional to the family.

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