**Chapter 1**

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Katsuki POV

I was minding my own damn business, taking my morning run on the beach when see this weird snake on the beach a few feet ahead of me.  I quickly sped up my pace, and as I come closer, I see it's some sort of fucked up merman with a fucking eel tail.  I've seen weird shit, I mean, fuck I live with shitty hair, but this is fucked up.  I attempt to touch it but it sends a surge of electricity through my finger and I pull it back.

"Fuck" I rub my finger on my hoodie, and pull it off, wrapping it around the shirtless male eel, thing.  at least I think it's a guy, I'm not sure, but I'm 80% Positive, since most girls aren't as attractive as this guy.  I study his features, yellow hair, with a black electric symbol in it, which made sense since his bottom half was an electric eel;  A somewhat muscular build, and a very attractive face.  I studied the up-and-down movement of his chest as he took in breaths.  I didn't even realized he had woken up.

He groaned, and slowly opened his eyes, and I was honestly lost in his fucking bright golden eyes.  I decided I should probably call a doctor, then again, what the fuck am I supposed to say? "hey doc, sorry to call ya but I found a sick merman on the beach can you check it out?" I can't call a vet either since he isn't technically an animal.  I look over and see he had fallen back asleep, just my luck.  I guess I should call an aquarium, right?  I dial the town aquarium, it's a small one, so they automatically pick up, I tell them the situation and they eagerly tell me they'll be there soon.  I look back down at the Merman, and he just looked peaceful, almost cute...almost.

The vet van arrived 5 minutes later, and the second the car door shut, the boy woke up, and looked at all the scientists and doctors unloading from the vans and he started flipping out.  I wrapped my arm around his chest, holding him in place as the Scientists inject him with some sort of fucking shot I don't fucking know I'm not a fucking scientist.  but at the moment I felt this gut feeling that calling these guys was a mistake, but, I ignored it, though I would regret it later...

Hiya, this is such a cute ship and if you don't like then don't read.  yes I am a multishipper, and yes I absolutely adore Bakukami, I honestly think it's underrated and deserves way more attention and love! also I know thye AU for this is weird but eh

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