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Siddharth's Point Of View°°°

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Siddharth's Point Of View

I stood staring at her as she walked out of the mansion. What was I supposed to do? I did not want all this to happen in the first place!
I knew that what was happening was wrong and Aisha as my wife was not going to like it any ways. Even I would not like it.. I guess I would hate it.

I drew in a sharp breath as I walked out of the mansion feeling extremely guilty and agitated. Colours flew in the air - pink, green, red and blue. It all looked so beautiful, but to me everything seemed worthless. My father was not speaking to me, my mom was too upset to do or say anything, Aisha was already suffering because of me and I had no choice but to smile outwardly.

I suddenly noticed the large glasses of bhang, it was an intoxicating drink and that was exactly what I required at the moment. Something to shut my buzzing mind.
I walked up to the waiter who was going around with it and took a large glass. I drank the whole glass with minimal regrets as slowly it started working.
"Oi! Sid!", I heard Gaurav who slapped me on my back and put the whole blue gulaal on my face.
"Oh dude! You're already intoxicating yourself, huh?", He said joyfully as I looked at him irritably.

"I guess, I am. I think this one was really strong.", I said as I slowly felt my control from my mind going.
"Indeed, it is my boy.", Gaurav said with a wink as loud music played in the background.
"I'm just coming.", I stated as I took some red gulaal from a plate kept on a table and started searching for Aisha in the crowd.

Don't ask me why.. I was intoxicated and what I did was beyond my control.

Aisha's Point Of View

As I had walked out of the mansion I had met Aditi who couldn't have been more pleased.
We were having an animated conversation about something when suddenly Anjali had arrived. She did look guilty but kept a smile plastered on her face as she put pink gulaal on my face.
"Happy Holi!", She said, trying to sound enthusiastic as I smiled forcibly and said the same to her, taking a little gulaal from a plate kept nearby.

"Who's she?", Aditi asked after she left when suddenly I felt that the lace of my blouse had opened.
"Umm.. Aditi just a minute, I'm coming. Actually the lace of my blouse seems to have opened.", I stated.
"I'm putting it.."
"No no it's okay. I'll just put it and come. In any case the press is here and I don't want my open lace on the newspaper tomorrow.", I said jokingly as I walked back into the mansion.

Siddharth's Point Of View

I looked around but she was nowhere to be found, that is when I noticed her best friend Aditi standing.
"Aditi, did you see Aisha?", I asked hoping I sounded sober.
"Oh yes! She just went inside the mansion.", She said with a smile as I immediately turned towards the mansion. I knew I was losing my focus but I couldn't have cared less.

I got into our room to find the door of the washroom open. I opened it to find her struggling with the lace of her blouse. She suddenly noticed me on the mirror and turned.
"What on earth are you doing here?", She asked turning completely red.
"Happy Holi..", I mumbled as I edged forward towards her. I put the gulaal on her cheeks. We stood close to one and another as I kept losing focus..

Aisha's Point Of View

Siddharth stood extremely close to me as he put the gulaal on my face. He looked a little weird as he pulled me by my waist closer to his muscular physique.
"What-what on earth are you doing?", I said trying to free myself but I couldn't. That was when I realized he was intoxicated.
He started mumbling,
"I am sorry.. I did not want to.. I did not know.. that she would betray me... I did not want to hurt anyone..", he went on mumbling as he rested his head on my shoulder. I was pushed against the mirror behind me.

"It's okay, Siddharth.", I said not understanding what to do. He was so drunk that nothing was going to help.
He finally looked up at me, his eyes red. Tears flowed down them.
He moved away from me as he walked up to the shower and stood against the wall, turning the shower on. I decided to leave immediately when he suddenly said,
"I had loved Anjali more than anything. I-I was not a bad boy then, I-", he suddenly slipped and fell onto the tiled floor. I immediately walked up to him as I knelt beside him. I was also getting wet in the shower with him.

"You know.. when I first saw you I thought you were just another girl who would.. give in to my demands..", he continued wiping off his eyes due to the water. He suddenly held my hand and continued,
"When you did not.. it hurt my ego and I decided to torchure you.. I was heartless.. I did not care..", he gulped as he continued.
"You.. you deserve better.. much better.. I am just a freaking idiot who thought everything would go his way! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.. Aisha.. please leave me. Give me a divorce and lead your life happily. Trust me, I'll find you a perfect man.. if you want I'll speak to that moron Varun and get you married to him. You need to suffer. Please..", saying so he passed out as I stared at him.

"I'm going nowhere..", I stated at last as I wiped off my tears.


Author's note
I kept my promise! This was a real long chapter! So now tell me what do you think about the whole scenario..!

Waiting for your comments!



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