this sorrowful life

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i huff and chase after daryl as he storms down the prison stairs, his infamous crossbow in hand.

"daryl wait, im coming with you," i semi shout and chase him down the stairs, almost busting my ass. he glances at me and nods his head.

"i knew ye would argue if i tried ta' make ye stay and we don't have time, so c'mon girl," he grunts and continues on his way, slamming open the exit door.

i quickly run and catch up to him, closing the prison door behind me. i match his strides and i groan as i realize he's tracking so we have to walk. i look over at daryl, his crossbow held high, as if he was made for this world.

"it's gonna be okay daryl, we'll find them," i say sincerely and tuck my hair behind my ear, making him look at me, his piercing blue eyes looking into mine. he nods and i swear i see a small smile form on his lips.

we walk for what seems like forever before i see a person in the distance, making me gasp and point.

"michonne!" i say happily and run to embrace the woman. she chuckles and hugs me back. daryl quickly catches up and glares at her.

"where's my brother? ye' kill em?" he asks harshly and she shakes her head no.

"he let me go," she speaks so casually it shocks me. daryl looks at her confused. he shakes his head and looks at me.

"c'mon sunshine we gotta go find him," he says and tugs gently on my arm, making me look at michonne.

"don't let anyone come after me," daryl mumbles and turns his back, already walking off. i send michonne a small smile before muttering a "be safe," before taking off after the archer.

i catch up to him and nudge my shoulder against his to get his attention. his gaze catches mine and i nod my head reassuringly.

we reach a small area and we begin to search for merle. my back is turned to daryl when i hear sobs coming from behind me, making me whip around and gasp in horror as i see daryls older brother as one of the undead. his cries get louder before he suddenly charges at merle and begins pushing on his chest angrily.

he pushes his chest once more before he tackles merle to the ground, stabbing him repeatedly making me snap out of my trance.

"daryl!" i yell and rush to him, trying to pull his shoulders back. he suddenly stops and turns around, wrapping me in the tightest hug ive received in my whole life. his cries are muffled by my shirt.

my heart aches as i hold onto the heartbroken man ive come to care for deeply. i pull away from daryl and look into his eyes before placing my hands on his face,the scruff tickling my hands.

"we gotta go dixon, cmon." i say and pull him up onto his feet. i look at his watery eyes and tear streaked face. i wrap my arms around him once more, hugging his torso and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. i feel his tears in my hair, making me tighten my grip on him.

he pulls away and rubs his face tiredly. i interlace my fingers with his and begin pulling him in the direction of the prison.

"i know you loved him and he was your big brother and i get that but you can make it through this daryl, he would want you to," i say and pause for a second "he wouldn't want you to stop surviving, you live on for him, in his memory, we live because they didn't get too," i say strongly and look at daryl.

he looks at me and his eyes are filled with pain but he puts a small smile on his face. he wraps an arm around my shoulder as we make our way home, relishing in the new found comfort of one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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