My boybestfriend

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So this is bassicly my daily blog something's are true something's I make up so u can never know what's true XD (unless ur actually in my life and know me really well).

Now me and my boybestfriend have actually never met idk why it's just never occurred to us. Even though I see his girlfriend it town all the time lol. we became friends when my friend alice broadcasted my pin on bbm and at the time he liked alice and was killing himself to go out with her.

It's weird having a friend uve never met but know is always there for you and understands you! weirder than that he went to primary school with my boyfriend -_-. We know everything about eachother and weirder than that out lives are sorta similar. I don't know if it's just our age where no teenager gets along with there dad or if it's our lives.

I don't know me and James have been friends since October last year I actually think it could have been today. Anyway I'm writting this cus I know he will stalk my blog then pop up to me and say "oo did that really happen or did u make that up". Anyway I'll just get to the point . . .

James I want to say ThankYou for always being there for me (even when I'm drunk and act like I'm insane). You give me tips and top me overthinking which most of the time is that hardest thing ever.

Yeah and if this whole chapter gets mixed up it's probably because a 3 year old likes to go on my phone😁

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