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After the first Titanomachy

A boy, probably at the age of his teens, around eighteen was sitting on a cliff edge, admiring the sunset, the sun itself casting beautiful rays of orange throughout the whole scenery. The boy smiled, breathing in a sigh of relief, enjoying the fresh cool breeze on the boys skin. The boy turned slowly behind him, a small flash of light was seen behind a tree, the boy raised an eyebrow, instinctively reaching for the sword next to him. The boy sighed, a person stepping out of the tree with a raised eyebrow.

"It's just you." The boy said, placing down the sword, the boy himself had startling sea green eyes, a pretty tan complexion, his hair jet black.

"Perseus, the council calls you for a meeting." The Hades said, turning towards the boy who was named Perseus.

"I told you Hades, call me Percy." The boy named Perseus, or what he liked to call Percy said. Hades chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Anyways, the council wants to discuss about the events a few hours ago." Hades said, Percy sighed, remembering the events that has transpired a few hours, the first Titanomachy.


Percy ran at a fast pace, the war already starting, Percy looked around, seeing multiple demigods fighting monsters of all types, hell hounds, cyclops', empousai, everything. Percy gritted his teeth, clutching the sword in his hand, instantly leaping into battle. Percy was but a blur of both destruction and ferocity, cutting down each and every monster that dared stood in his path, oblitering any monster of any type, be it a hellhound, or a cyclops.

Percy turned towards amount Olympus, they were currently fighting at the base of Mount Olympus, the real battle was happening at the very top of the mountain. Percy clutched his sword, looking around, seeing the battle take place, multiple demigods falling at the hands of the monsters, and multiple monsters falling at the hands of the demigods. Percy had to make a very hard decision, he turned towards his comrade who was slaying multiple hell hounds at once.

"Theseus." Percy called out, the demigod son of Zeus turned towards Percy with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm busy." Theseus said, slaying a hellhound, the Son of Zeus turned towards Percy with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, what do you want to tell me?"

"I'm going up there." Percy stated, pointing at the top of Mount Olympus, Theseus raised an eyebrow but nodded ultimately. "I need you to command the battlefield whilst I am gone."

Theseus gave off a small nod, flashing Percy a small smile. "Will do."

Percy instantly dashed off, clutching the sword in his hands, cutting down any monster that dared cross his path. Percy turned towards Mount Olympus, it was a long ways up until Percy reaches the very top of the mountain, Percy stopped, turning towards the monster in front of him. Percy clutched his sword, looking at the monster with a glare, the Minotour stood in front of Percy, holding his signature omega axe.

"Ready for round seventy?" Percy asked with a small smirk, turning towards the Minotour.

"It's seventy to one, you need to step up your game." Percy said, clutching his sword, the Minotour glaring at Percy, it was as if his head was about to explode from anger, as if steam was coming out of his ears. Percy smirked, the Minotour charging towards Percy in a fit of rage, Percy instantly side stepped, avoiding the charge easily. The Minotour clutched his axe and swung at Percy furiously, he smirked, avoiding the attack almost effortlessly.

Percy jumped on the minotours back, swinging at its protected neck endlessly, the Minotour roared in frustration, Percy clutched his sword and plunged it at the minotours skull, effectively killing it, the monster turning to dust. Percy shook his head, giving off a small sigh, turning towards Mount Olympus, a long staircase to the top. Percy sighed, steeling his nerves and jogging up the stairs in a small hurry.

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