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XXII. Look Who's Coming to Dinner

It is sometimes easier to be happy if you don't know everything

-Alexander McCall Smith

Lauryn's POV

So, it was finally Thanksgiving and I don't even know what to say. Sly was still trying to figure me out but to be honest I wasn't even feeling him like that. I was really starting to think that maybe Juju was right when he said that Sly and I didn't make sense. Now here I was feeling stupid at my Granny's housing laying in my old bed at 5 am trying to figure out how I was going to make this Thanksgiving thing work. All the plans and been made already and I feel like it was weak to have everyone's holiday ruined just because I wasn't feeling Sly.

Just as I started to try to form a plan my phone started ringing startling me slightly. "Hello?" I asked not even bothering to check the caller id since my eyes were already closed from trying to get my thoughts together. It wasn't even like that many people had my number if you wanted to be real. And since I started being known as "Sly's Woman"most people tried to steer clear of me all together.

"When you coming?" Sly asked. I was not surprised it was him. We still haven't talked to each other that much since the last time I was at his house. I mean we still were texting but, I just didn't see how we could even make this work. How could I be with some who only could give me pieces of a relationship when I was honest with him from the moment he met me. But, I should have known that things were going to be complicated with him from all of the stuff I already knew about him from when he had been in highschool and Audi was being a tattle-tell noisy sister back then. Not to mention, he acted like his behavior wasn't a big deal and I just can't fake the funk on that. He was dead wrong because he knew how I felt about an open relationship so who was he to make a decision for me that I already decided I wanted no parts in. See, he got me so beside myself over this crap I keep having my mind run in circles because I couldn't quite figure out which part of monogamy he was unclear about.

"Let me shower and stuff and I'll be over there in a few" I answered not even wanting to argue. I dragged myself from the bed to try to go ahead and get myself together to see him.

"You know you can just get ready here. All your stuff where its been" He replied not even really giving room to argue. But, I was going to put my foot down this time.

"No, I'm going to get dressed here and I do my make-up over there after I get that stuff prepped" I answered as I turned the shower on and decided that I was going to do mustard colored sweater dress with black thigh high boots. I wanted him to see what he was missing since he felt Leah was worth his time. Now, its not that Leah isn't pretty because she is its just she is the other woman and I know she can't give him what he looking for or he would have been made her his girl. Maybe I'm really overanalyzing this thing again because maybe Becca was right and he was just being a dog because he felt like it was his right. The thing with dog though is that they have to be trained and did I look like I was any kind of animal whisperer.

As I stripped for the shower, I saw I had a good morning text from Juju. Its sad to say but, it sort of put a smile on my face. I know I was wrong to be entertaining Ju on this level but, my heart was hurting for something I already knew I probably couldn't have.

Sly's POV

I rolled over in the bed mad that my baby still wasn't home. Why couldn't she be mad at home? Why she have to decide she needed space? She could have got that shit in the bathroom or at the gym but, why not safe at home...with me. I sighed loudly as I tried to figure out what the move was for Thanksgiving. My mama didn't know what was up because I refused to have her all in my business about Elle because I knew she would jump down my throat about my Leah issue. My mama already told me she had been hearing about my escapades at work from the little young nurses so I knew she probably had hear rumors but, I never confirmed or denied them. I already had the guilt eating me alive about Elle's little ass confronting so, it wasn't like I needed my Mama also siding with my girl. I already knew the shit looked bad.

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