Jinxx's POV
Charity was laying across all of our laps,but snuggled more in Ashley's lap. I chuckled softly,"she's do adorable." I heard the guys agree with him," Ashley smiled,"she's so hyper,she's just a like a mini C.C! She likes pizza,monster,likes Barbie cars,and rides down the stairs in a box!" C.C laughed,"yeah she's cool,but hey I think we should bring her to her bedroom." I nodded,"ok we'll all carry her since yeah,I think she'll wake up. 1. 2. 3." We all got up and with a lot of teamwork made it to the door marked Charity's room. I opened the door and walked in,setting her underneath the covers on the bed. I tucked her in and heard Jake and Andy laugh,"hey Ashely look at this." We all walked over and saw a picture of Ashley and underneath she had written. Ashley Purdy-hottest guy in the world. Mentally married to Ashley. <3<3<3 We all laughed,"aww look Ashley someone's got a crush on you." Ashley nodded, blushing more. I smirked and looked around more and saw she had drawn a picture of all of us. Andy laughed,"dude Charity is awesome!" I heard some grumbling coming from the bed."What are you guys doing in my room?" C.C laughed,"oh nothing just looking at your picture of Ashley." I saw her eyes widen and she jumped up,grabbing the picture,"that was nothinnngggg." She practically hissed,hiding the picture under the covers. I laughed,"Mmmm hmm so you're not mentally married to As-" She cut me off,"IM NOT MENTALLY MARRIED TO ANYONE!!" She was blushing deep red,"ooh someone has a crush!" She stammered,"I I I do not Jinxx!" C.C,Jinxx,and Andy laughed,"oh okay sure so if we found a diary in your room,you wouldn't talk about Ashley?" She blushed more,"I don't have a diary!!" I chuckled softly,enjoying how we embarrass see her.
Charity's POV
I was blushing as red as a tomato,"I I don't have a a crush on A-Ashley nor any of you! Thank you very much." I heard Ashley laugh,"so you don't find me the least bit attractive? Not one tiny bit?" I shook my head,biting on my tongue hard,"nope not a bit,nope completely not finding you attractive." My eyes started to widen as he walked closer,"not even my tattoos are attractive? The way I put my warpaint on is attractive? Or how about when I wear my hello kitty hoodie? Hmm not an inch attractive?" I gulped softly,"n-nope not attractive,hot,or sexy." He smirked and grabbed my hand,making me feel his abs,I practically melted on the inside. I heard a bunch of wolf whistles. A small shiver ran through my body,as he made my hand trace his Outlaw tattoo on his stomach. I whimpered softly and forcefully pulled my hand away,"I'm going downstairs and and and I'll be downstairs!" I turned around,stomping out the room,down the stirs. I heard tons of laughter and footsteps following me. I scowled softly and sat on the couch,changing the show to dventure Time, I saw Andy and Jake sit on the floor,C.C and Jinxx on the other smal sofa,leaving? No. No! I felt the sofa sink down next to me. I blushed and decided to ignore him. I laughed every now and then especially when the bush called Finn a tramp. I felt him put his arm around me. I scowled softly,trying to scoot away. I heard him chuckle and he lifted me,placing me on his lap,making me scowl, I sighed softly. I Felt his grip around my waist tighten and I knew he was teasing me. I jumped up,a growl escaping my lips. I looked at C.C,"do do you see what he's doing?! Do you?!" C.C shrugged,"you sat next to him Charity." I opened my mouth,"no I didn't he sat next to me!' Jake sighed,"If you're getting annoyed,just leave." I put my hands on my hips,"wha-what?! No it shouldn't be me who leaves! It should be Purdy Boy! He he even smells like wet ass,so that means he should leave. I got here first,not him!" Andy rolled his eyes,"no need to be childish and rude to Ashley, if you're gonna be like that go back to bed grumpy." I gasped,"are you seri- you know what fuck it. And give me that,it's mine." I grabbed the remote,walking upstairs. I growled softly and threw the remote at Ashley seeing him wink and wave at me with a sexy teasing smile on his face. I stomped upstairs,slamming my door close. I jumped on my bed,screaming itno my pillow. I heard the door open and I looked seeing Ashley,"hey Mrs. Purdy,just came to say goodnight." I scowled,flicking him off. He smirked,"ooh feisty I love the feisty ones." I scowled as he blew me a teasing goodnight kiss,shutting off my light. I scowled rolling over and falling asleep. It's hard to hate someone who's so sexy and just adorable and his tatto- oh no! I told myself he was just a band member. I shook my head from the very dreamy thoughts of Ashley Purdy.