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As the curtain closes on the most romantic, multilingual, multi-profile contest, we would like to say a few words:

A big Thank you to all of you, our users on Wattpad. This contest wouldn't have been so successful without your wonderful support and encouragement. We are grateful to each one of you for making the Valentine's Contest 2019 an astounding success!

With over 750 stories spread across 12 languages, this contest surpassed our yearly expectations! We loved reading each and every submission. The sheer talent, creativity and interpretation of the prompts have left us with the toughest jobs of them all, to pick our winners!

But thanks to our phenomenal judges we present to you...

The Winners of The Valentine's Contest 2019:


Always  by Celine_CooperJones

Rose's Bakery by atlantabronson

Remember who I was by stunninglrh


Cold Tea Blues by DebbyNellAbalone 

Ne vždy jsou věci doopravdy takové, jaké se zdají být by smilingxqueen

Navzdory všemu by Secret_Ella


In der Welt der Fantasie by Nightlady7

Herzgrenzen by tornalar

Frühlingserwachen  by federwunsch


Βινύλια και Όνειρα από Αστερόσκονη by BlomkvistM97

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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Valentine's Day Contest 2019Where stories live. Discover now