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I think I've fallen in love.

I recently found myself watching this guy all the time. He's white, with brown hair and brown eyes, average height and kinda plain looking. I don't know what made me attracted to him, but I always notice his presence when he's around. After observing him more, I quickly noticed that he's really shy. He has little to no friends, and always eats alone during lunch. I wonder what he does in his free time?

His birthday is soon. No one else knows when his birthday is, and I only know because I checked the class list for it once. I want to buy him a present, but I'm not sure what he likes, and I think he'd be weirded out if I gave him one when we haven't even spoken once. I spent the whole day worrying about what to do, when I decided to follow him home after school and see if I can figure out anything about him.

Following someone without wanting them to find out is harder than I thought. On multiple instances I not only almost got caught, but I'm pretty sure he knew someone was following him because he kept looking back behind him while walking. At one point, he started running and I almost lost him. Well, at least I got to find out his address, so I guess it wasn't a waste of time. I still don't know what to get him though, and his birthday is in a few days.

I can't believe it! I was walking at the mall today window shopping, and guess who I see? Him! He was in the bookstore, looking at a book. When I saw him, I immediately took a seat at a nearby bench so I could see what he was doing there. It seemed like he was checking out a new book that was just released today. To think he enjoyed reading, it seemed almost too stereotypical for him. Anyways, he was looking at the same book for so long, I thought he was definitely going to buy it. However, he instead seemed to reluctantly put down the book and head out of the book store. Could it be that he wanted to buy the book, but couldn't buy it for some reason? I couldn't believe my luck, and went to go check the book he had been looking at before. The book was the next book in a very popular mystery book series, and I heard that the first book of the series won New York Times Bestseller. Could this be the perfect gift to get him? I decided to buy the book, since I didn't have any other ideas for a gift.

Today is his birthday. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous about giving someone a gift before. Is it because he's special? I spent the whole day gathering courage to give him the gift, but in the end, the day went by without an opportunity to hand it to him. In the end, I decided to run to his home before he got there to hang the gift on his doorknob for him to find. I know it's a cowardly move, but I'm afraid of what he would think of me, so I decided to give the gift anonymously. I hope he likes it.

A week has gone by, and I noticed that he is acting weirder than usual. I mean, he is still just as much a loner as he was before, but he seems a bit off. I noticed that there were a lot of bags under his eyes, maybe from studying for our upcoming exam. But he also seemed really cautious and wary, and he's always looking around him now. I wonder what happened?

Later in the day, I noticed that he left his cellphone at his desk when our class left to go to gym. How can he be so forgetful? What if somebody stole his phone? I went to go return it to him, when I realized his phone was still unlocked. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but curiosity got the best of me, and I looked through his phone. His phone was pretty empty, and he barely had any contacts. Then I realized that I could get his phone number through his phone! I always wanted to ask for his number, but again, I was too nervous to. So I wrote down his number on a sheet of paper, then put his phone in his desk, so he would find it later.

I'm so happy! I now have his number, and can call him whenever I want to! Of course, I couldn't say anything when I called him, because he could recognize my voice, so every night, I called him for a few seconds just to listen to his voice, then hung up. I feel a little closer to him now :)

Today he didn't show up to school. Is he sick? Did something happen to him? All these questions went through my head during school, so I decided to go visit him at his house. Now that I'm at his house, I realize that I would have to talk to him to see if he's alright. Ugh, why didn't I think this through? I guess I should just make up some kind of excuse about coming to show him the notes I took today for school, since our exam is coming up soon. Whatever! I'll just wing it, after all, this will probably be my first time ever speaking to him! Okay, I'll go ring the doorbell then.

Ah, I'm so excited!

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