In The BeginningThe Bronx

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I was born Eljeana Marie Lee on 10/18/1969, In the Bronx of New York City to Granville Richard Lee Sr. and Shirley Jean Bright. I am the youngest of  three children, My sister is the oldest,  my brother is in the middle and I am the youngest. My parents were married for 11 years.
How They Met.
My mother was a Social worker and my father was a they met in Chicago.  Mom took care of the whole house hold even financially she worked while my father stayed home on the couch "working" on his music. They decided this arrangement before I was born. She believed in his dream and it back fired on mom though. was country and wasn't ready for a city hustler from Chicago. They eloped and got married without my Grandparents approval.

Every aspect of being a care free musician, dad took advantage of and hustle  and even hustled mom into taking care of him. I saw more violence by the age of 2 years old than in my whole life, within our house was a war..My dad was resentful for whatever reason and viciously took his anger out on mom. She was raised to stand by her man and she did and litterally caught hell for it. Mom was from the country and grew up sheltered from the realities of life and she insulated herself to continue in a toxic, dysfunctional unhealthy and enabling way of really existing with my "dad," and three kids (small witnesses)..

Dad was a hustler in his narcissistic mind, a womanizer or hater with "charm" and an ability to persuade women to believe in his lies.. Not, silly women either..  and knew the streets and had wild parties .Ma didn't tell me this.. but.. I have a gift I realize it  now to see past and present events. Like Raven on the"That's so Raven show," is the best way I can describe it.  Where she sees flashes of events about to happen and they actually do happen. A wise mentor of mine years ago told me that it's called an "open visions." People, will say that children are too young to remember any abuse they witness that's BS! Children remember and are innocent victims of the demons that walk among  us in human form. You can't choose your parents but if you survive your childhood you have a chance to make it in life. You, will have to work just as hard to recover and heal within yourself  more than they attempted to damage you, and yes I believe some parents are deliberately Evil..They just don't make it in the news.Whether, you are taught verbal or non verbal that you are not enough , controlled and learn not to think for yourself or completely ignored and neglected and sadly so much more..Once you realize your upbringing. Reverse the curse!unlearn the dysfunction, heal, rebuke family curses and keep going no matter what!  if you are encouraged by other's or not, You deserve better.
The day started like a regular day. My father was getting ready for his  concert and he wanted my mom to the his tie for him. She begin to tie his tie tighter and tighter..she looked in his eyes and Ma said she saw the devil in his eyes!Ma was not religious not even a believer from what I could tell.. Ma was well, she was brought up in a very religious upbringing. Her and her five siblings were taught of an "angry God" that would get you for breathing, so she rebelled against God and there was no praying and family meals or consistent unconditional love, and my siblings and I paid for it! There was a lot of unspoken anger from my mom, the she was brought up in religious beliefs and not having a personal relationship with God. Therefore that generation had a false sense of being "perfect" and that perfection does not exist, I tried it and failed myself from who I was born to be, fun, loving, down to earth, full of faith and not God Fearing..But God Loving and Respecting.

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