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If you don't not want to read about violation to a young child please skip a few paragraphs. Read at your own risk.

(In this memory you are 8
N/N= Nickname)

Start of memory
"Uncle Jeremy this hur-" he covered my mouth "I'm almost done N/N~" he continued to rape me over and over again, until he left "I can't wait to babysit you again N/N.~" Then he left when Mama got home. *Knock knock* I turned to my window to see my best friend Billy ( he is 10 in this flash back). I walked over to open my window to let him in "Y/N what happened I heard you crying." I went into tears and hugged me and rubbed my back in a calming way.
"My uncle he... he raped me."
"What Y/N why didn't you scream!?"
"I didn't want to be hurt agian."

He sighed and I looked in his eyes to see hate and anger.
"Billy? Are you okay?"
"No, but I'm gonna make sure he never touches you again."
He went to leave my room
"NO! Billy please don't leave me!"
I started crying again he stopped and rushed over to me.
"I will stay, but only because you need me. But I swear the next time I see your uncle he is going to pay for hurting you my Y/N" then he grabbed my chin so I could look at him.
"You are mine right?"
I nodded "Yes Billy I am only because you are my best friend and won't ever leave me right?"
"Right" then he petted my head and hugged me until I fell asleep.
The next day

I woke up around 7:30 and looked around my room to see Billy gone and a note on my desk
I had to go home but I will be over tomorrow have a good evening and sweet dreams I will see you soon.
Yours Billy"
'I will see you then Billy' I went down stairs to see Mama in the kitchen cooking.
"Yes Y/N."
"How did you know you fell in love with dad?"
She paused from cooking then continued, she didn't like talking about dad since he passed away.
"I fell in love with my best friend. I knew your dad since we where teens. I went to High School with him and did not ask each other out until our sophomore year. Then in Senior year he proposed to me at a school talent show. We got married and one year later we had you our little Y/N. Why do you ask honey?"
"I don't know I think I like Billy but I don't know if I love him."
She giggled and turned to me.
" It's young love give it time to grow I do see how you two are together but it's to soon to tell."
I nodded and then set the table.
End of memory

"It can't be."

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