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I walked into the house tired from my morning jog.
"Bailey I am extremely sleepy"  I slurred. I can't even speak correctly. Bailey. My ugly black-brown, orange cat.she has ripped patches of fur, long nails, and saggy eyes. If she had a chance she would run away. But this time she was acting strange. She started hissing almost like a warning call, loud screeches came from her. I whispered, "the neighbors for start complaining again stop it there's nothing wrong are you okay do you need to go back to the vet." I tried to calm her but she would not calm down she just kept screeching. Then a bat hit me in the head. I banged my head on the kitchen counter and blacked out.

Kidnapper's Pov:

"Oh, no...fuck...SHIT!" Oh hell no her head is bleeding, and she's out cold. The boss is going to kill me. her cat ran out the door I'  mm so so SO dead! The car is outside and everyone on this area is asleep so I'll just stuff her in. I rather go to jail than face the boss."  bandages!"I said as loud as I dared. I looked in all the cabinets. From top to bottom. There it is! In the left cabinet. there almost used up,  how bad at cooking is she? I grabbed the bandages and the girl slowly but surely dragged the girl into the front seat then frantically tired the bandages around her head sprinted into the front seat and drove off. They'll send people to clean the blood, fix the cracked counter and find the cat. Everything is all good. Except for the fact that I am so late, and she's hurt. I'll be fired, murdered, killed, dead, tortured hopefully the boss takes it easy on me I used to be her favorite worker maybe I still am probably not though I didn't fill out on her mission, and when her missions go wrong she tends to take it out on the fails, the mistakes, the useless. I'm frightened to the brim my body is shaking. I don't want to die but the boss doesn't forgive that easily without a punishment. 3 minutes 50 seconds away even if I'm a little late like one second that'll be the end of me. Stay calm. I'll explain why I was late maybe she'll forgive me. I hope so. I stayed up to the base it's an abandoned hospital in the Halls it's just your footsteps until... I reach the end the boss turns the lights me with her red eyes. I get on one knee. "Master I have failed you I am sorry," I said mortified. I dragged the girl in front of me laying her down gently. The boss slowly walked in front of me her eyes still glaring almost like she's trying to pierce through my skin my heart starts racing. I refuse to look up I refuse to see my end.the boss is eye stop glowing and she said" get up" her voice was intense deep demeaning and vengeful I stood still not looking up. "look at me, my child." This is how I die. this is how it ends. I slowly look up. I'm confused.  the boss eyes were still piercing through my skin but they looked more sorrowful then angered."I am sorry my child, I will not kill you but you will receive punishment." She points to the direction of a closed-door. I slowly walk past her and "whisper thank you, master."I open the door quickly shut it closed. The raging beast was hungry not sure blood. But for something more lustful its eyes were locked onto mine, it's slowly crept closer in closer as is backed up against the door as soon as I look down I could see that my clothes have been removed my naked body what's what...the creature wanted.

Maggie/master's Pov:

The sinful noises I heard from the room if my child moaning wildly and gasping for air. Harms my heart but I must not let any of my children fail even the ones I am most proud of. The girl the exact one I've asked for harmed but still in shape I must take her 2 the second floor the ghost children doctor room to get her fixed. I slowly creep up the stairs dragging the girl but not up to the stairs no she is floating up to the stairs with my magical being I must not let her get any more harm. Even if I am too tired. Summoning the creature to punish my favorite child took a lot of energy out of me I need this girl she is beautiful wonderful and the lust I must take care of every inch of her body. I make it to the ghost doctors office once she sees me through the door she opens it and grabs the girl slowly floating both of them. Then the doctor places the girl on the patient's chair. "My queen shall I chain her I don't want any...accidents to happen like the last one." "Yes...bring her To my office
When she's healed." "Yes, my queen."

(A couple of hours later)

Leah's Pov:

My head ached it felt as if I was hit up in the head a thousand times with an anvil. I finally had open my eyes and I could see that I was naked and
I was chained to a bed in an empty room. The room had a nice violet color the sheets did so too. I tried to wiggle my way from the chains around my wrist but the chains wouldn't budge. I heard soft footsteps coming close to the door. My heart started pounding. stay calm stay. the door slowly opened and I saw a girl. A dead one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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