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A few moments later Bashir hurried in, attracted by the shouting. The sight of Ezri, clearly squaring up to Worf, with a PADD lying on the floor behind the Klingon told enough of the story that Bashir knew exactly what had happened.

He also knew that she was probably quite angry enough to go after Worf. And that she was angry enough that Worf would have to defend himself in earnest.

"What happened?" He asked, hoping to at least redirect Ezri away from Worf until she'd calmed down.

"This baQa' nga'chuq baktag just nearly let me get my neck broken!" Ezri explained loudly, not seeming to notice her lapse into Klingon and advancing on Worf, who, much to Bashir's surprise, was backing away. "Just so we could prove he intended to kill me!"

"Ezri..." Bashir said, trying to defuse the situation.

Fortunately, he was saved by the sound of running feet.

"Stand down, Old Man!" Sisko ordered. "It's over. Worf..."

Ezri froze for a few moments, allowing Sisko to move between them.

"I apologise." Worf said. "I should have prevented him from laying hands on you."

Ezri's mouth worked for a few seconds, before she closed it, turned decisively on her heel, and marched over to Bashir. The human barely had time to react before she was wrapped around him, one arm pulling him down to her level, and standing on tip-toe. Then her lips slammed into his, and his arms clamped her against him.

The kiss went on long enough to be uncomfortable to everyone except the two involved.

Worf growled, taking a step forwards before Sisko fixed him in place with a glare.

As soon as the kiss was over, Ezri began trembling, uncontrollably. Wrapping his arms around her, Bashir hurried her in the direction of the infirmary. She didn't resist in the slightest.

Once she was inside, he went straight into doctor mode. The first thing he did was to double-check her spinal column. If that'd somehow been damaged, he'd need to act immediately. A few moments with the tricorder showed that it was intact. The interesting neural activity patterns would have to wait. Even compared to her baseline, there were new patterns in her brainwaves that hadn't been there before.

"Ezri!" He said, speaking slightly more loudly than usual. "You need to stay in here for a couple of hours."

She didn't reply, or object. She was shaking, uncontrollably. Fastening a monitor bracelet around her wrist, he began the best treatment he knew. "Computer, large Tea, builder's, Hot, two sugars, cup two thirds full."

A few moments later, he was pushing the large mug into her hands, the soothing smell of the tea rising from the cup along with the curls of steam. She wrapped her hands around the mug, absorbing the warmth through the ceramic. Even with her jitters, she was able to support the tea without spilling it.

He sat down behind her, not close enough to intrude, but close enough for her to know he was there. After a few moments, she leant back, resting herself against him.

Staring down into her blue eyes, Julian was struck by how different the look in them was, compared to Jadzia's eyes. It was softer, warmer, and more open.

"I'm not sure I like being short." She said, her tone telling him she was joking. "Everyone gets to look down at me, and I have to look up at people I'm used to looking down towards."

"Is that the worst thing about being Dax?" He asked. "Remembering what it's like to be tall?"

She swatted at him, playfully. "The worst thing about Dax," she said. "Is Joran." She glared suddenly at an empty space. "Shut UP!" Her voice was significantly more forceful than a moment earlier.

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