Chapter Fifteen.

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[ notes/ oookaaay this chapter took a while to release. anyways, this one was pretty long so i thought i'd end it instead of writing the rest of the current episode (episode 24 i think). that's fine, it means the story goes on longer, we're coming to an end TT. i personally like this ending, reader-chan has come so far. she is now a strong and independent sakka player. also!!! i wanted to announce that i will definitely be writing for season Orion! so the story goes on! please support me to the end ! ^ v ^ ]
[ warning: this chapter contains heavy cursing ]

It was a warm night, the cool breeze brushing through your hair felt quite refreshing. You hadn't gone home yet, only because you wanted to spend some more time with your friends. You'd eaten dinner with them at their current home away from Inakuni Island, for the first time you'd eaten dinner with a bright, energetic family. You all talked with one another, you laughed, you smiled. . .

After Yone-san - the cook - had placed a plate of food in front of you, your eyes welled up with tears and you'd burst out crying. Everyone immediately rushed to your side and tried to comfort you. Something as simple as a real dinner, with people you loved, had made you so grateful you'd cried.

Just thinking of that again made you smile.

You were outside on the veranda with Mansaku, Asuto and Hiura.

"[L/n]? What are you smiling about?" Hiura tilted his head, a simper of his own marring his features.

"It's nothing, Hiura." You giggled, and shook your head.

"Next is the finals. . ." Mansaku took a deep breath. "We've made it. Doesn't it feel surreal?"

"It does." Hiura muttered.

"I never imagined we'd make it this far." Asuto added.

"Really? You seemed pretty sure we'd win up until now." Mansaku turned to the dark haired male. Both you and Hiura exchanged a short glance.

"Was I?" Asuto laughed. "I guess I was just excited." There was a moment of silence before Mansaku spoke again.

"We're up against Outei Tsukinomiya." He said, hesitantly. It almost felt like your heart skipped a beat once you hear that name. The last time you had confronted Nosaka, he strangely confessed to you, and you ran off. You didn't want to hear it.

"Will you be okay, [L/n]?" Hiura's gaze softened.

"I have to be okay. I don't really have a choice, do I." You furrowed your brows, smiling sadly. The three boys suddenly felt guilty. You'd been a huge part of the team, and often the reason for their wins. They didn't want to force you to play a game if it made you feel upset.

"That reminds me. We still don't know how you and Nosaka-san are so close." Asuto perked up. This caught your attention, a small sigh slipped past your lips.

"That's right. . . I never explained, did I?" You nestled your eyes shut for a moment. It was better to tell the story now than never, besides, these three boys were your friends. They'd accepted you without a second thought, the least you could do was tell them a little bit about yourself.

"I was from a bad family. I had parents who neglected me, they barely fed me and looked after me. I'm not so sure how, but when I was young our apartment had caught on fire. My parents. . . Never came to rescue me." You trailed off. You were told they had died, that was all you had left. The fact they had died was the reason they didn't save you, not that they'd left you to burn. "The person who saved me was. . . Well, Nosaka Yuuma." You looked over your shoulder to the three.

They stared at you in shock, pity, whatever it was in their eyes.

"And since then you were in the hospital, right?" Mansaku furrowed his brows. You nodded, managing a small smile.

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