Chaps 3~Date time!

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I haven't updated this book in two years, the main year I'm even writing this is cause apparently people are still reading this (for some fucking reason) and with @anime_kpopstranger 's

kind comments I thought I'd try a bit!!

This my not be that long but I am hoping to go for 2000 words, also I haven't written in two years for this so I'd love support on my writing and what I could improve.


Recap: Asura was asked out by Daiki so this chapter will basically be about that, and due to my obsession over Yowamushi pedal there may be a few notes of them here and there, enjoy!!


Third Person

Of course today of all days it had to be raining, which wouldn't be too much of a bother if Daiki didn't plan for a picnic date followed by basket ball, but if seems that wasn't gonna happen as he waited underneath the bus stop where the two were suppose to meet.

Another bus pulled up, the one the small ginger was in, but the basket bae only kept his head down not realising his date was here. Not until she physically had to knock some sense into him that is.

"Dai-Kun! Geez, you'd think a person would notice the first time a person yells at ya." She pouted, there she stood in all her glory, hair in a messy (not well done) bun, a plain white shirt and black basketball shorts, with of course orange and black trainers.

"Ah, Asura...ASURA!!" He cheered, lifting her way to high off the ground, but you'd expect that when a 6'4 guy is holding a 4'9 girl life it's the lion king.

"Put me down, put me down, put me down!!" She wiggled in the air, legs kicking. Of course she's happy to see him again but when someone a whole foot and five inches taller than you basically yeets gravity away from your being, you're gonna freak out a little.

Haha, little, just like her-//

So after the hugging finished and Daiki joyfully ranting about how strong he is and that they need a re-match, his tone slowly being sadder and sadder.

"Gosh, I was really looking forward to a re-match to tie it all off today but..." they both glanced towards the rain from underneath the shelter, "Guess that won't happen."

Of course the only other person there saw how he was acting, and also noticed the picnic basket (which she hopped was not made by Momoi), "How 'bout something else then, I do need to make a new batch of desserts for Mu-kun so why don't we have a baking date at my house?"

Though he was about to protest and say they might be able to find an indoor basket ball place, the bluenett thought over the suggestion and realised.

A baking date.

At her house.


In a small kitchen.

With a hot oven.

And Hansel and Gretel.

Wait, no.

"I suppose we could do that if you want." He began averting his eyes, his ears going red in embarrassment. Since when was he such a Tsundere?

Good, good. Operation 'teach Daiki how to bake so he wouldn't die from Momoi's food poisoning' is going well so far!!

The bus going to Asura's house arrived and they both stepped on, heading to the back.

After one or two stops they were still on the bus and Daiki began to wonder whereabouts the girl actually lived.

On the third stop he saw the midget get up, to which he was thankful for as he was falling asleep, finally they made it.


In fact the only reason she stood in the first place was because she saw her fellow red-headed friend that she met in a cycling race. She herself had not participated because she can't ride a bike for shit, but thought it'd be cool to watch while in the area.

Naruko Shoukichi was his name, she'd never forget. He had actually entered his first year in high-school too and went to Sohoku high school, perfect for someone like him.

"Naruko!!" Asura cheered giving him a hearty hug, like a hearty welcome but in hug form.

Luckily by then Daiki had passed out from both slight motion sickness and tiredness, he was planning the date all of last night so thanks to that barely any sleep was gained, but it did save the other red-head from a possible death.

"Asura! My fellow small sports man, good to know you're still alive!!" The 5'5 boy was like an older brother to Asura, just as he saw her as a younger sister, along was her brother too, seeing Shouya as a younger brother.

"How's cycling going? You still spiriting your way to the finish line~?" The two sat down where she was early in the back, Naruko not yet noticing the hugga lug that was sleeping on the end seat.

"Hahahaha, of course, the speedster of Naniwa can't be beaten!!" Pumping his chest he gave a mighty grin, thankfully the bus was empty except from those three and the bus driver who quite enjoyed hearing the chats of youngsters.

"You go Sohoku now right? Any good cyclists to compete against?"

"I hope you're talking about me fighting them because you can't even sit on the seat right let along push the pedals~" He teased, knowing of the mess with her, "but yeah, there's this one guy who's pretty interesting, managed to ride up a 2km slope with a 12% gradient all on a mommy bike!!"

Asura's eyes began to sparkle, though she didn't know that much about cyclists she knew if it was someone Naruko praised they sure were worth remembering.

"And get this, he's been riding from Akihabara to school every day since he was little! That's 45km, isn't that awesome Asura!!" He once again cheered. Getting as excited over this kid as he did when supporting either of the Hinata's.

After talking for a bit longer about their life and such, Naruko's stop finally came, and so did Asura's the stop afterwards.

"Hey Daiki, wake up, we're here now." The bus driver had kindly helped her lift Daiki off the bus, it was still only 1 pm.

"Ah...huh? Wait where are we?" The 6'4 first year said, as Asura could finally just drag him with his feet actually moving.

"We're almost at my house, it's just round the corner!" She cheered, ready to start baking, and was so excited she hadn't even noticed it had stopped raining.

Kicking down the door to her house (not literally geez), she threw Daiki on the nearest couch and started getting the ingredients ready.

Daiki, still in his half-awake state grabbed the closest thing to him who he thought was Asura in a tight hold before passing out.

This was of course not Asura, but Shouya, who is now being used as a teddy bear by some random boy he found on his couch when all he wanted to do was watch 'Crying Breakfast Friends'.


That's it for now, kinda just what I could come up with, probably won't write for awhile again cause I'm starting collage soon and there's a lot I've got to do. So ya, hope you enjoyed this small 1187 word shitty chapter and I'll be regaining any type of sleep I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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