Chapter Three.

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        Vince walks out of the bathroom to see Max, he turns a few times so she can see the full outfit before stopping and looking at her with an expectant gaze. It takes Max a second before she looks at him, she takes in the clothing before the identity of the person wearing it and starts to panic, she grips onto the hair brush in her hands as her breath grows rapid. She finally looks at his face and is brought back to reality. It's only Vince. She quickly shakes her head and smiles at him, trying her hardest to sail through the giant waves of fear that plague her.

       "You look nice, but lets brush your hair." Max says before she sits on the small bed and pats the space next to her, indicating that she wished for him to sit next to her. He does so for a few moments before moving to the floor and crossing his legs, all Shard does is adjust how she was sitting so she could still brush his hair. She reaches out and gently grabs a small section of it before beginning to run the brush through it, Vince jolts away when she reaches one of the larger knots and pulls the brush from his hair. Shard watches, frozen, unsure of what she should do, her hand still outstretched towards him. The brush now lays on the floor.

         "Vince?" Breaks the silence in the room. Max calls out to him, but receives no response. She leans forward and reaches out to him, leaning so far off he bad one would assume she could fall off at any moment, yet she remains, still with her hand outreached for Vince's shoulder. Once she grasps it she shakes him a slightly, forcing him to come back to this reality. He recoils and ends up falling back away from max, his breathing becomes labored as his body and mind try to catch up to each other.

        "No. " He says, slowly wrapping his arms around himself as he lays back and curls up in a ball on his side, his breathing slowly evens out as he clenches his jaw and closes his eyes.

         I messed up. She thinks, watching quietly as he slowly dissociates. She wants to stay with him, help, but there really is nothing she could do. She stands up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her and looking around to see whether or not anyone was around. Jack was leaning against the wall a few doors down, seeming relaxed.

              "Jack?" She calls out, turning herself and taking a step towards him.

        "Yes?" He asks, turning his head towards her slightly as he pushes himself away from the wall to stand up straight.

             "Can I talk to you?" She asks again, feeling the small bit of anxiety prick at her neck.

        "...Yes." He replies, walking to her this time. She smiles gratefully as she fiddles with her hands, slowly turning around to go to her room with EJ in tow. Once inside, Shard closes the door behind her and sighs as she lets her weight fall back against it.
                 "I am quite... I have a great feeling of chagrin." She states before looking at him.

         "Okay...Explain why?" He says, as he walks across the room and looks around, the black liquid on his mask reflecting no light, and his mask giving no sight to his face, he turns around to face her. She looks at him for a moment, trying to place her words correctly without giving away too much detail about the situation in respect to Vincent's privacy.

              "I have.. Accidentally caused V. to fall into a state of... affliction, and I feel that I have failed him... And I feel that you would be best to speak to about the matter because, for one, you were there with me and you're the only other one to know about him besides me and Slender. Two, you deal with new arrivals all the time... Sorry. " Her words come out in a garbled mess, luckily he understands her. He thinks for a few moments, deciding how to handle the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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