Every girls worst Nightmare

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Well gey welcome to my first advice chappy.

You know the title.

Well let me tell you a girls worst nightmare...your crush knowing you like him...thats a girls worst nightmare...let me tell you about my crush

Readers: *gasp* Bro you have a crush

Well duh

Of course I have one, his name is Francisco Reyes...he has long curly hairthat I find REALLY attractive about him...but something bad happened...he knows......I.....like him.

I bet your all thinking does he like you back or naw...no he doesn't and the way he found out was by my friend telling another friend thats friends with him told him I like him...!

But my friend said he sorta smiled...BUT I STILL GOT FRIEND-ZONED .

Well guys the moral is dont tell anyone your crush...especially your best friend....NO ONE.


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