8 - "Pesky Pets Removal."

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8 – “Pesky Pets Removal.”

Waking up on Christmas morning, Fred gently unwound his arms from around Evies waist as he slowly slid out of his bed. Stretching his back, he looked down on her still form; her silver hair splashed all over the white pillow and sheet in a weird contrast. Finished stretching, Fred glanced over at his twin brothers bed to find that George was awake, his head propped up on his pillow as he gave Fred a weird look.

                “It’s not going to happen,” He whispered, his voice filling the silent room.

                Evies stirring kept Fred from replying as her eyelids fluttered open and a smile graced her face. “Morning,” She yawned, “Merry Christmas.” Fred and George wished her a Merry Christmas with cheery smiles and lots of holiday tradition as they jumped on her bed and each gave her a kiss on the cheek at the same time.

                “Right, now that, that’s sorted, time for presents!” George announced, receiving cheers from his crowd of adoring fans (In his head) and he jumped off the bed, pulling the other two with him as he raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where Mr and Mrs Weasley were.

                Mr Weasley wished them a very Merry Christmas whilst tucking into a plate of Christmas tree shaped pancakes as Mrs Weasley continued making a new batch. She left the pan under the watchful eye of her wand to give each of the teens a hug and directed them to the table where there was a feast fit for kings (Or students who were extremely use to meals at Hogwarts)

                Ginny and Percy made their way to the table only a few minutes later. George was beginning to get impatient waiting for Charlie to come down before they could go open their presents so he ran up to wake him up.

                When he appeared again - this time with Charlie in tow – he shoo-ed them all into the living room where the presents sat in all their glory. Evie smirked at Charlie as she took her place, “Oh Charlie, even Fred was able to make it to the table unsupervised,” She sighed. Fred laughed beside her before realising she had insulted him. He hit her lightly on the back of her head, earning a rather harder blow to the back of his from Mrs Weasley.

                “You do not hit girls, Fred Weasley!” She fumed.

                Finally they were allowed to open their presents and Evie started with her dads first. She opened the rectangular object that was wrapped in shiny, silver paper carefully, expecting the usual small note to fall out before she was half done. Setting the present on her lap for a moment she read the note, a smile playing on her lips.



                                Merry Christmas! Hope it isn’t too sad without me, after all, I am the life and soul of the party. Tell the Weasleys I said hello.


                                                Love Dad.

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