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messages between real blondie💖 (Lucy) and fake blondie💕 (Kenzie)

real blondie💖

hey, where are you?

we're here with Rami, Allen and Aaron

fake blondie💕

we're looking for the door

Joe got lost and then I got lost looking for him JHSJDJDJSJ

never mind, Joe already saw you


Kenzie locked her phone after Joe told her that he saw the guys and the blonde girl, and both ran out in a race.

Just when the rest of the guys saw the two running towards them with a smile on their faces, Kenzie stumbled upon a boy who was going through.

"Oh shit" said Kenzie, standing, without seeing, and helping the boy who fell with her "sorry, i wasn't looking, and i didn't want to stumble with you you, and i was running like an idiot, and..." and she interrupted herself when she saw with who she stumbled with.

And her shame increased when she saw that she stumbled upon Ben.

"Oh, h-hi. There is no such a big deal, i wasn't looking neither and..." he stuttered with a nervous smile.

Kenzie suttered too, while both looked at eachoter in shock. It wasn't until Joe show up, that they left their trance.

"Benny! I was so excited to meet you!."

The blonde guy smiled to Joe. "I was so excited too Joe!."

"I see that you already met my best friend" insinuated Joe.

"Oh, yeah, that. It was a bit hillarious, but yes" he answered scratching the back of his neck while blushing a little.

And Kenzie couldn't help but think how cute he looked.

"Mackenzie!" screamed Lucy.

"Lucy!" screamed back, running towards her, again, to hug her and fall to the ground

"Oh i missed you so much wife."

"Me too wifey."

"And there's no hug for me?" said Allen.

"Of course!" answered the aforementioned, excited, standing up and hugging him too. "I missed you so much too."

"Me too" said softly, while he smiled.

"Hi Kenzie, i am..." Aaron started to present himself until Kenzie interrupted him.

"Oh, let's not be formal. I know who you are and you know me. Give me a hug!" she replied chuckling and opening her arms. The man smiled too and shyly returned the hug.

"Hi Rami! Hi Gwilym!" she said to both of the mans, pepared to hug them too.

"Hi Kenzie" the guys answered, laughing at the euphoric girl, and returning the hug.

Just when Joe and Ben come closer to the group, was when Mackenzie, Gwylim and Rami break the hug.

"Can I get a hug too?" Ben asked.

"Of course you can, my hugs are free and the best" she said joking, with a smile on her face, and trying to hide her nervousness.

Both get closer to each other and hugged tightly. Ben buried his head on Kenzie's hair and she hide her face into the crook of his head and neck. Both intoxicating themselves with each other's smell, enjoying the moment and the presence of the other.

"Ok future couple, let's keep going. We have to reach the hotel before we go to the set" Joe interrupted after a few long seconds. Both separated slowly, to them smile and with a little blush in their faces move forward with the rest and join to the others conversations.

Just when they were getting out of the airport, a little girl with approximately eight years, ran to where they were, to position herself in front of Kenzie. The girl knelt in front of the little blonde, with green eyes and half-crooked teeth, but with a beautiful smile, and she smiled at her too.

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" she asked softly.

"My name is Diana" answered the little girl.

"You have a beautiful name Diana, you know that?" Kenzie compliments her, and Diana chuckle and nodded. "What can I do for you? Do you want your mom to take us a picture?" she asked nicely. The girl was so cute.

"Oh, no" she answered again, a little ashamed. "I just wanted a hug".

Kenzie was a little shocked because of the question, but without erasing the smile from her face, and tenderly, she opened her arms to the little girl.

Diana hugged Kenzie for ten seconds, and then she separated from the big blonde.

"Thank you so much Mackenzie. And goodbye" she said to Kenzie first and the to the rest of the cast, who answered, softened by the scene that just happened

Kenzie was a little bit shocked. The fans always wanted pictures or autographs, or videos for friends and family, and she loved that, but this little girl take a bit of her heart with her.

She stood up, and still thinking of the situation, she walked to parking where the van was.

And someone else was still thinking of the situation, while walking. And that was Ben, who can not help but think how cute and beautiful Kenzie was, how right she was when she said that her hugs were the best and how he wanted to stay between her arms forever.



ok stop

well, i hope that y'all like this, idk, and i love when y'all leaves comments, so ;)

(plus: i'm sorry if something is not grammatically ok, my mother language is not the english and i try my best:) )

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