❝platonic❞ » minsung

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It started out innocent enough, to say the least.

Chan was snoring too loud for Minho to tolerate one night, so he'd texted Jisung to ask if he could sleep in his and Jeongin's room for the night.

can i sleep with you tonight? hyung is snoring too loud

no homo of course

Jisung hung his head over the side of the bunk, checking whether or not Jeongin was asleep yet. He listened closely and when he heard the tell-tale sounds of peaceful breathing, he laid back down on his own bed and grabbed his phone, texting Minho back with a short 'sure' before tucking his phone back under his pillow.

The rapper stared up at the ceiling, counting down the seconds until he heard the door click open and click quietly closed again. Jisung shifted over in his bed when Minho started climbing the ladder up to his bunk. There was little to no light in the room so Jisung could only see Minho when he was laying right next to him, making himself comfortable under Jisung's duvet.

"Hi," the dancer smiled once he was comfortably laying on his side, facing Jisung.

"Hi," Jisung replied, feeling so glad that there was no light in that moment so Minho wouldn't see how red his face was.

Minho was laying closer to Jisung than he really needed to, but Jisung wasn't complaining. Minho's body was warm, and he had been freezing under the duvet so he welcomed the warmth with open arms - not literally.

"You don't mind me being here, do you?" Minho whispered, and Jisung shook his head, then realised Minho probably couldn't see him.

"No," he answered. "I know Chan-hyung's snoring must be unbearable."

Minho let out a breathy chuckle, smiling way too much for the current situation.

It wasn't unnatural for the members of Stray Kids to share beds, or cuddle, or even make out a few times if they were feeling exceptionally deprived. Their schedules were hectic, and with a heavy dating ban, settling for each other seemed like a reasonable option to ensure they stayed sane.

Jisung knew Minho had kissed Chan a few times, probably done more than just kiss if he was being honest, so he really had no problem with letting the older boy share a bed with him for the night.

"I don't know how Hyunjin and Seungmin can sleep through it," Minho said in a hushed tone. "I could've sworn I felt our bunk shaking with how loud they were."

Now it was Jisung's turn to laugh. He smiled and laughed through his nose, the movement of his chest soon turning into a shiver that wracked his whole body.

"Are you cold?" Minho asked, shuffling closer to Jisung and not giving him a chance to reply before he wrapped his arms securely around the younger boy's waist, pulling him closer so their noses were almost touching.

Jisung shivered again at the new feeling of warmth covering his body more than the duvet he was laying under, and Minho let out a cute giggle.

"This is uncomfortable," Jisung said quietly, and Minho moved so he was laying on his back before hiking Jisung up and on top of him, causing the younger boy to let out a short squeak at the sudden gesture. "Hyung, I'll crush you."

"No, you won't, don't be silly," Minho replied. "Just throw your leg over my waist, it'll be much more comfortable."

Jisung blushed but did as he was told, and it was actually surprisingly comfortable. With his head resting on Minho's chest and Minho's arms wrapped around his small waist, Jisung actually felt comfortable.

❝platonic❞ » minsung (one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now