Chapter Four

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See end notes!

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Blinking awake, my eyes squinted against the harsh light of early morning. Slamming them shut again, I let out a groan and rubbed my eyes. It never felt like I got enough sleep. Regardless of the hour count, regardless of what time I went to bed, it never felt like I was ready to get out of bed and face the day.

Today I could actually get away with it. Sundays were my day off. No pressure to do anything but laze around and eat chips and maybe drag my butt to the couch for a Friends marathon. Nothing spectacular and nothing like how I spent the rest of my days.

With my eyes still shut, I fumbled for my phone, pulling the charging cable from it's slot and holding the phone up to my face.

The email from Bennett still sat untouched from the night before. Part of me wanted to wait until I grabbed some breakfast before opening what was sure to be a can of worms. But the other half of me . . .

Well, the phone could be taken with me, right? No one had to know I was emailing the dork. So with that thought in mind, and constant mental reassurances that no one would even blink at me, I flung my legs over the side of the bed and worked my way towards the kitchen.

A cursory glance at the bottom step alerted me to the couch already having an occupant, my mother curled up with a blanket and a cup of something warm and watching some fantasy drama on tv. I caught a flash of the screen before

Nothing like murder and betrayal to wake one up in the morning. With a grin, I entered the kitchen and pulled out a box of cereal. A bowl followed and soon, I found myself at the kitchen table a mouth full of food and an open email in my hand.


Okay, so I'm sensing a bit of negativity attached to relationships outside of the family. I know better (now) than to pry, but ... just know I'm one of those weirdos who actually enjoys having a friend. I wouldn't be sitting here writing this email after all the sass you've thrown me if I wasn't interested in sticking around. So just...chill, okay? Not everyone is out to get you.

My chewing slowed and i set down the phone on the table, looking away.

This. Stupid. Brat.

I finished my breakfast slowly, washed my bowl and sat back down at the table to drink my tea.

On one hand, I found it a little strange that he seemed so eager to befriend me. On the other hand, I had to wonder if that eagerness would be his best asset as a friend.

If I actually decided to be friends with this guy, what could that do to me? What if he decided to ditch at whatever point served him best? After all, he mentioned several times already how he didn't have anyone nearby. He lived in the middle of nowhere. If someone moved in the area, would Bennett just shift his focus to them?

With a groan, I dropped my head on the table. This is exactly part of the reason I didn't want to get involved with other people in the first place. Too many questions and far too many unanswered. Too many worries.

I didn't know what to do. And honestly, I wasn't ready to tip off my mom that her pen pal meddling actually paid off. So I was sort of on my own.

The pros and cons were high on each side.

"Agh, why is this so hard?!"

Though, the decision seemed to be more and more obvious as to which way I would go. With my head still on the table, I felt around for my phone and picked it up, tapping the reply icon and sending off the email. Letting out a breath of air, I waited for a reply, but not from my email.

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