bruises pt 1 | kaminari x reader | lemon

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you were in a particular mood tonight, you'd been teasing kaminari all night. how you'd whispered dirty thoughts into his ear. how'd you rub against his thigh or how you'd let your fingers trail over his groin making him twitch in his jeans. he wanted so badly to take you right then and there, but of course the rest of class 1 a had planned this little night for a small celebration. there was no way you could do anything while they were around. every time y'all tried to escape someone would call y'all back.

you had your own fun seeing as this night was going to be long and you couldn't just walk off with kaminari so he could fuck your brains out. "hey y/n!!" midoriya called out. "oh hi midoriya, having fun?" you tried to sound intrigued. "more fun than i planned but do you think kaminari is feeling alright? he's acting strange" you tried hard not to laugh. "oh? i haven't noticed i'm sure he's fine!" midoriya just nodded slowly. "anyways the rest of us were planning on playing some lame party games! i heard hide and seek was the first, i know sounds stupid but it could be fun!" "oh yea, sound fun! i'll join in a bit!" you said trying to act excited.

you seen this as a perfect opportunity to go and find kaminari. "oh look just the guy i was looking for!" you squeaked as you found kam. he looked at you annoyed "if you're here to tease then fuck off! you've been playing hard to get all night! rubbing against me whispering such nasty things to me y/n" a blush was spread across his face. "hey! chill lightning bolt! i was just playing, anyways i'm here to talk. the rest of the class is going out to play hide and seek wanna join? could be fun." he looked at you with a smirk was plastered on his face. "is that a yes? the rest are waiting..." he pushed against you kissing you fast. "yes i'll play, and don't you think i forgot about earlier either!" you were so confused why he was smiling like a madman.

as you walked outside with the few other classmates the rest were bundled together explaining the rules quickly. "everyone understand?" kirishima said. after everyone said 'yes' they chose who'd be the seeker. "iida will be it and he'll count to 60 giving you plenty of time to hide" even though it was just hide and seek you were excited to play. "1...2...3..." and you were off trying to find a hiding spot. good thing you wore black no way will anyone find you at night! you ran towards the back of the building hiding behind some bushes hugging the back of the dorms. a couple minutes passed and you could hear faint screams of those being found.

you heard leafs crunching behind you and you automatically got scared. before you knew it a hand smacked against your ass and another covered your mouth. "got ya!" you immediately recognized that voice. you spun around "kaminari you fucking scared me so bad!" he laughed lightly shushing you "shhhh jeez we don't wanna be found!" you roll your eyes. "how did you even know i was back here?" "i was looking for a spot then i seen you." "sureeeeeeee not like you didn't follow me back here" you teased. he grabbed your ass hard "and if i did? is that such a bad thing. how else was i supposed to get you all to myself?" the mood changed immediately, you wanted him so bad. but outside? what if y'all get caught? "kam what if we get caught? how would we explain..." he pushed you against the wall kissing your neck. "we won't... as long as we keep quiet."

you gave in letting him attack your neck with kisses. you ran your hand through his hair licking the shell of his ear moaning softly, as he left love bites all over your neck and chest. he palmed your breast through your shirt with one hand as the other ran down to the waistband of your shorts. he hooked his fingers around them pulling them down just enough to allow his hand in. you widened your stance giving him better access. tugging on his hair, as he rubs your clit in a circular motion over and over again. "mmm you like that babygirl? i bet you do, you sound so good." you get wet at the words coming from his lush mouth. kaminari pushed your underwear aside rubbing his index finger over your entrance, coating his finger in your juices. he pulled away and sucked his finger clean, pulling your shorts back up.

you were confused that he stopped so abruptly. before you could even say anything he walked off "see, not so fun being teased!" then he ran off leaving you confused as hell. no way was he getting away like that. you heard footsteps come around the building. "i could've sworn i heard talking..." midoriya said. him and iida were working together to find the others. you duck down fast covering your mouth with your hand to keep yourself from laughing. thinking of the things that just happened moments before. if only they knew what was actually happening back here. you moved your leg just a little to relieve the growling pain in your ankle from squatting in such a awkward position. *SNAP* a twig fucking broke. you didn't hear anything so you assumed they left already. "gotcha!!" iida yelled as he wrapped his arms around your waist scaring the shit out of you! "jeez iida you about made me shit myself, i thought y'all left!" you laughed.

"just a few more to find!" midoriya chipped. "wanna help us?, we're better in pairs" you pushed your hands together happy "yes! let's go get them!" you might have overacted, but you didn't want them to know what just happened right behind those bushes.

time skip

everyone was caught and the class huddled back in front of the dorms.
"that was fun! but that was the warm up!" iida and kirishima said. "now it's time for tag!" "sounds fun!" sue and uraraka chirped. you kept eyeing kaminari, you couldn't believe he'd tease you like that! sure you teased him but never like that!! no way was this ending.

similar to the first game the rules were explained then a person was picked to be it. "midoriya will be it, everyone understand? we'll give a 10 second head start. then it's a free for all after that." the counting began and everyone scattered. you headed for a tree around the side of the house.

"10! here i come!" midoriya yelled. you couldn't help but laugh. this actually felt good just to fuck around for once. you seen midoriya coming right for you. he clearly seen you and you had no choice but to run. you bolted deeper into the woods hiding behind a group of trees. you peaked around the trees to look for him. nothing. "boo!" you were poked on the shoulder. midoriya was laughing like crazy, you couldn't help but laugh too. "how'd you catch me so fast?" but before you could even get an answer midoriya was running off, shit you were it. you needed to find someone, you had the perfect person in mind. you heard a snap come from behind you, you turned to see a certain yellow headed boy. you followed them into the woods, sneaking to get closer.

as soon as you had the chance you grabbed their ass spinning them around. SHIT. THATS NOT KAMINARI!! "shit bakugou i thought you were som-" he pressed you against a tree. "who were you expecting love? i'm sure i'm better anyways." he kissed you deep, you kissed back surprised but you didn't mind being alone with bakugou. after all you and kaminari weren't dating. he pulled away leaving a trail of saliva. you looked at him as his eyes lowered to your neck. "someone's been having fun, you didn't come out here with those." shit the hickeys. you just kissed him hard trailing down to his neck. his hands were on your hips making their way up. you dragged your teeth along his neck biting down lapping over it with your tongue. bakugou palmed your breast "am i better? say i'm better y/n" you moaned as he quickly pushed against your cunt, making you moan louder.

he drops to his knees pulling your shorts and underwear down at once. "spread them" he pushed at your thighs spreading them, causing you to open your legs. he wasted no time to lick a clean stripe up your pussy. you grabbed ahold of his hair moaning softly. the way he licked your clit slowly sucking on it, drove you crazy. "you taste so good y/n, so sweet" bakugou moaned. the thought of him eating you out in the woods never really crossed your mind. "we have to stop ba-bakugou. we could get caught!" he dug his fingers into your thighs. "not until you say i'm better." you rolled your eyes. "bakugou... i need you to kiss me... please kiss me" he stopped and stood back up kissing you deep with passion. you slipped your tongue in his mouth tasting yourself on him. after a couple minutes of kissing you stopped to pull your underwear and shorts back up. "you're definitely better" you kiss him one last time. you leaned into his ear "by the way you're it." you took off laughing leaving bakugou behind mad as hell. "WHY YOU LITTLE FUCK!" you ran to the front of the dorms bumping into kaminari of course.

this oneshot was so long i had to split it into 2 parts, next chapter will be part 2 so don't worry!!

- al

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