Chapter 1: the meeting

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We must be ready Logan said as we sat around the table beginning the meeting Logan called to order. Deceit has become powerful enough to stop us you all must have felt that surge of power last night. Oh no Patton said I don't want anyone of my kiddos getting hurt" at that I almost laughed we can't avoid a fight Patton knows this and is still being his good old "Dad" self. Do not fear Roman announced I am hear to protect you all Deceit shall not lay a hand on us Patton I will defeat him with ease. At this I really did laugh Roman glared about to say something to me but Logan interrupted him, falsehood according to my numbers with our current powers and levels of fighting skills we will most likely not be able to defeat him all together much less you all by yourself yeah Princy I said especially when all Deceit has to do is give you a compliment and you will be all over yourself for him to get you I smirked. Roman glared now you listen here you dark and stormy night- Virgil ,Roman Patton said you two stop and let Logan continue his meeting we need to hear this. Thank you Patton Logan said I was about to say something myself to stop a fight, I just rolled my eyes I already knew Deceits plan anyway from all those years ago my breathing became hard so I stopped thinking about it.... For now. With Deceits power it hypnotize and disguise himself I suggest we always stay together at the night and the day we will take turn staying guard and if we need to separate we will have a buddy system I will make Logan continued. No I thought I could not stay with them all the time what if I had an attack what if they found out how weak I was what if- Virgil Patton said shaking me what I replied jumping back you dazed off and started breathing really hard the Dad figure said. Oh I said I made up for it saying I was just thinking about having to see Princey all the time and started to freak out I said with a smirk. Patton did not look convinced then to change the subject I raised my hand like he was in kindergarden you don't have to raise your hand Virgil Logan sighed. What about when we shower and pee I ask that got everyone off my back as Logan stumbled clearly not preparing for this. I really didn't care I just zoned them out already knowing the answer Logan would say there are not high chances of Deceit trying to get us in the bathroom. Then he would carry on about stuff I didn't care about or already knew nobody would care if I zoned out I didn't contribute much to conversations much anyways.

After Logan had gone on for hours about Deceit and what precautions we need to take we all had dinner and I could not get my mind off that thing Deceit had told him and the plan I had helped make feeling guilty. Then I didn't know the other sides and Deceit told me lies about them (go figure). Later I abandoned him to help Thomas this made Deceit change his plan somewhat and set him back at least I think he did not have me as his "secret weapon" anymore How could I be a secret weapon I wondered. I had to stop I could do this in my room- wait no I couldn't I started to freak out again but noticed the others around me and told myself I could do this when the others are asleep meaning on my watch I guess. I wasn't hungry anymore so I just stared at my food as the others talked. Things went wrong when I heard Logan saying I think Deceits plan might be to take us and descise as us in our place like one at a time maybe. No I said that wouldn't make since he could not play as us all at the same time and he wants total domination over Thomas's mind he will take over each of our mind to hypnotize us one by one that will give him fool control of Thomas mind. Everyone was looking at me Logan at first looked shocked but his face grew suspicious Patton look shocked the whole time and Roman just glared. I can't believe I said that! They will guess I helped Deceit before I came to them what if they hate me more than they already do what if they give me to Deceit my breath became hard I have to pulled myself together. Then I just said in a small voice well t-thats my g-guess anyways.  I hate when I stutter it makes my look weak although I am weak I don't want them to know that I thought. They did not move. They looked at me and after what seemed like forever I just pulled my knees to my chest and hood over my head and tried to bury myself in my hoody till dinner was over. 

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