"No. You don't love me.
you just love this looks"
After her sister's death. Secrets being revealed one by one. Hearts break into pieces. Love develop one at a time.
All of the characters belongs to netflix, THE ODER.
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Today is Amber's first day. She didn't took university tour yesterday because she arrived quite late. She has a map so she doesn't worry that much.
She decide to wear a brown sweater with blue jeans. She tie her hair half-up hairstyle. She grab her backpack and wear her glasses because without her glasses, she would consider herself blind.
Amber don't have any roommates and she's fine with it since she really loves privacy.
"So first class is..Ethics" she start walking to her class buidling. There is a few people who already inside. She sat at the first row and there is guy sit behind her.The professor begin to explain about ethics. The guy behind me mumble "find the coins by night five". Maybe he's playing a game.
"Today we're starting out in the shadow of a tragedy" suddenly there is a girl raise up her hand "yes?" Professor Clarke asked.
She start to talk about something but I don't give any attention or I don't really care until she said "Wendell's death is very upsetting to me" and I started to question in my head 'death? Did somebody die?'
Professor Clarke ask a guy behind me "Hey, notebook how do you feel?" "A little guilty" he answer. 'He knows? Am I the only ones who don't even know what happend?'
After the class end Amber went to meet him. He was the first to left. "Hey!" Amber shout while chasing him. The guy turns around "What?" He frown. Amber takes a deep breath since sports is not her thing "Do you know about the dead guy?"Amber finally ask him. "The dead guy? You mean Weston?" he ask with an inquistive look. "Yeah the Weston dude"
"I don't know. All I know is he's dead. You don't know about this?" He ask "No. I don't" Amber replied. "Oh. Okay, now I gotta go. Need to do some work" he smiled. He walk away and after 8 steps of walking he stopped looking back at Amber "Uh- anyway I'm Jack"
"Amber" she replied with a small smile. She walk around the campus because boredom hit her like a puberty, she found a bar. Amber decide to chill with some drinks. She order a beer. Amber chuckle remembering the first day she drank acohol with her sister. She end up being drunk. Oh, how she miss her.
The bar door opened and there is a black haired guy with his friends that somehow catch Amber's attention. She felt different, she feels calm. "Today I'm going to treat you guys" said a blonde guy. "Yes Hamish!" the black haired guy cheer.
They sit next to Amber's table. Someone hit the table lightly "Hey miss do you mind if buy you a drink?" There is bald guy he seems like a middle aged dude. "N-no I'm fine" she smiled. "Come on miss I'm pretty sure you will like it" he insisted "Oh it's okay. I'm leaving anyway"
Suddenly the bald guy grab Amber's wrist "you gonna join me" as Amber flinch he squeeze her wrist thighter.
"Uh hey babe" the blonde guy that called Hamish sit next to her while looking at the bald guy. "Oh is my girlfriend bothering you?" He asked.
"Girlfriend? No, she's not" the bald guy let go of Amber's wrist and give Hamish a death stare before he walk away to the counter.
"Uh thank you" Amber offer a smile. "No prob-" He looks confused as soon as he move his eyes to the girl that he helped.
P/s : I am so sorry if I have bad grammar you can correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks🌸