Chapter 4

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Last time...

So the plan, is to get far away. During her travels with Ero-sennin Naruto learned alot about geography. She has many options of places to hide throughout the elemental nations. She casts those worries aside and instead focuses on the wall. Using her Kyuubi enhanced senses she guessed which wall lead to the outside, lucky for her one does. Her last room must have been deeper in the cave because she couldn't hear any noises to indicate it was close to the outside.

If she presses her ear against the back wall where her bed is at night she can hear the faint sounds of insects and wind, during the morning she can clearly hear birds. With a determined gleam Naruto stops in front of the back wall and raises her fist.

It was the next morning that they noticed Naruto was gone. One of Madara's lackeys reported that she was gone when he arrived with breakfast. Her method of escape? She turned her wall into a back door. She must have unbelievable luck to blast open a cave wall and not have anyone hear it.

You know that saying, "Don't shoot the messenger?". Well let's just say that Madara doesn't. After throwing a tantrum fitting of an S-Ranked missing-nin he sent every member out to look for her. Since Sasori, Hidan and Kakuzu are all dead it left Kisame, Itachi, Deidara, Zetsu, Konan, and Pein to do the searching.

Setting out in pairs of two Itachi wasn't suprised at all when Kisame broke out in deranged laughter immediately after leaving the base. Not even sparing him a glance, Itachi took off at a run.

The Uchiha heir wasn't quite sure how to feel about this. Not only the escape but the whole thing. Being ordered to impregnate a boy-turned-girl isn't exactly your usual run of the mill Tuesday. The entire situation is quite messed up. Not that he can judge. He is after all known as an S-Class Nukenin for slaughtering his entire clan. Let's face it, when you need someone to complete some undesireable task Itachi is the go-to-person for it, no questions asked. It was a definite character flaw, maybe had he asked more questions his clan-no, no sense brooding about that. You can't turn back time.

Nevertheless, he was definitely not expecting to knock up his little brother's best friend. He wasn't really expecting to knock up anyone. Kids just weren't in his plan. The plan being, to stay with Akatsuki until Sasuke eventually comes and kills him. No where in that plan is there room for a baby. Dead people can't care for babies. As far as he's concerned, he's a dead man walking. He died that night six years ago with his mother and father.

So why exactly did he follow Madara's orders? Simply put, he had no choice. Choosing not to would mean leaving Akatsuki, most likely after a few battles to the death of course. Unacceptable for two reasons: Akatsuki is Sasuke's only lead to find him and he can't let himself be killed by anyone else. His death is Sasuke's, he promised it to his brother. It was a promise he intended to keep no matter what.

Therefore, he sleeps with Naruto. Follows orders like a good little shinobi and doesn't ask any of the questions he want to. Questions like: what happens to the child and will it be killed?

In a way, Itachi misses the regulation psych evaluations he had to do in ANBU. He really wanted someone to ask him, 'and how does that make you feel?'. He doesn't really have an answer, but just knowing that someone cares about his opinion would be nice.

Of course no one in Akatsuki would dare ask the Uchiha such a personal question. You do not make friends in Akatsuki, better yet you do not make friends with S-Ranked criminals. No one so much as dared ask about Naruto. He had gotten a few amused looks from Kisame in the beginning, but a few frosty looks had put a quick end to that.

So how he felt in one word, conflicted. One goal, die by Sasuke's hand and now everything is messed up. In a way he feels relieved that Naruto escaped. Allowing himself to die and orphan his child does not sit well with him. He thinks if there is anything that could make him give up his goal, it might be that.

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