Prologue: End of the World

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There’s nothing special about me. I’m just a girl called Sanity with brown and layered wavy hair that is cut short directly above my shoulder blades, matched with dull grey eyes that could be considered emerald or blue. People say that eyes are windows to your soul, if that is so then my eyes could even be considered a storm, just before the hail comes crashing on your head.

 My frame is small, but well-toned due to endless years of gymnastics and acrobatics, nothing special though, just levels one, two and three. My complexion matches my eyes, a dull, whitish tan that could be considered grey. The only thing that must be truly worth noticing about me is my long, thick nails that are regularly trimmed to prevent injury to anyone. It’s not like I would be able to harm them anyway, I may be stronger than the average female, but not by much. I am not poor, but not rich either, just a plain boring middle class person that isn’t pretty.

But I don’t mind, my spontaneous and weird personality has made up for my looks by gaining me two friends, both equally as insane as me. We all share an amazing joy in manga and anime, but recently I’ve found that as we’re getting older they are losing interest, while I adore manga even more. Just yesterday they went to Sydney together, leaving me at my home. It’s not their fault though. I have to stay home because of mother. She is currently dying from insanity.

Daddy’s never home since he’s always looking after her in the asylum. She keeps on screaming about the Akatsuki from my manga’s, saying that they’re coming, they’re coming. She tells me to run away, to leave before they come, but I always reply that I could never leave her. Mother started yelling about Death Note as well, she’s become more frantic in getting me to leave, saying that Beyond Birthday, one of my favourite characters, would hurt me, and that L, Mello, Matt and Near would just watch.

 I almost believed her once, believed that some characters from my favourite manga’s could possibly cross dimensions. I can’t get my hopes up though. I learnt that on the same day I said I would never cry again, which I haven’t.

Though sometimes I can’t help but wonder what if they did come?

I could only think of one answer

The world would crumble in flames, and I’d end up on top of the rubble, all traces of Sanity gone, laughing like a killer grinning like a Cheshire, while my eyes burned with the fire, my fire.

To put it simply,

The world would end.

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