The Naming Game

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Third Person, 5:11 PM

Sanity took the house key out of her pocket and slipped it into the door, hearing the click before pulling it out. The Akatsuki and Death Note characters would NOT mix well, she thought as she moved into her room with ease, shutting the door to keep out intruders, namely her younger brother Jacob.

“Careful with the box yeah”

She turned her head towards Deidara who was mewing furiously at the rough landing of being put on the bed, most of the others remained silent though. What to do, what to do, L is probably suspicious along with the rest of the smarties, Sanity thought, gonna have to throw them right off, or……. Oh how fun would it be to mess with their heads, the endless possibilities. She laughed a little, giving the kitty’s one of her famous ‘I’m crazy’ smiles.

“Hey wait what is she smiling about un, I do not like that look she’s giving us yeah” Deidara said backing up to the corner of the box. Sanity moved the box off of her bed so she could lie on her stomach. She looked down on the curious kittens.

“Okay then, NAME TIME!!!” Sanity squealed and picked up Pein first. He had orange fur, the same colour that his hair was originally, with black spots on his face and ears resembling piercings. His eyes still held the rinnengan which could easily be seen. Sanity pondered for a moment on whether or not she would let him name himself or if she would do it.

“Since you seem to be the leader of nine other kittens I shall give you two options, option one, let me name you, or option two, face me off in a staring competition. If I blink first you win, so you then get to pick your name, however…” Sanity grinned sadistically “… if I win, I get to name you, and it will be worse than what I would’ve originally named you”. There was shocked mews from the box, as they struggled to get a better view of Sanity holding Pein in front of her. Pein thought over her offer and nod his head once to show he would accept the challenge.

“Great!” Sanity clapped “I hate spineless creatures, anyway let the stare off begin!”

Sanity stared into the ringed eyes of the kitten before her. Soon five minutes had passed, then an hour, then two hours. The rest of the cats had gotten bored around the half an hour mark and went to do other things, though Beyond Birthday was still staring intently at the girl.

Sanity began to get impatient, and she hated that. When she got impatient it led to frustration, frustration led to blinking. It had gone on long enough and she knew that she wouldn’t last much longer. Time to use my secret weapon, she thought as she edged her fingers towards Pein’s adorable kitty face. When they were close enough she clicked, causing the poor cat to blink.

“Ha ha, you blinked name time, hmmm what should I name you”

Her sudden outburst caused all of the cat’s eyes to be on her, they could tell that she won by the glare that Pein was giving her. Hidan was cracking up within seconds “Can’t …… Believe ……. You got ……. Beat by a ………. Girl” he said through gulps of air. In a second Konan was behind him, eyes narrowed “You wouldn’t be implying that boys are better than girls? Would you Hidan?” the glare that she gave him made him shut up immediately. All eyes were again back on to the girl and Pein.

“Fine, fine I admit that I cheated, but you should’ve seen it coming”


“Now come on Mr Tough Guy, don’t go giving me that look”

Glare harder.

“Argh whatever you can pick your own name, but, because of you being mean to me your kitty friends won’t have the same privilege of picking their names”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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