
119 19 17

Hey guys, this challenge has been over and i had done this the first try for it, but i hated the outcome. So, i tried it again and it has been a long time since i did it. (i totally forgot about it to post here)

first try

the colors are awful, the blending as well, you can see everything doesn't look like it belongs there and the hell dog doesn't look like one. the girl looks so off and the flames too.

 the girl looks so off and the flames too

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second try

i did something darker with the only predominant color is red. i gave the hell dog a more cool looking feature and discarded the flames over him to make it neater, especially with saliva on his mouth. the blend is better, but i guess it could be more. i manipulated the clothing to make it seem that the persona is a higher class of demon.

 i manipulated the clothing to make it seem that the persona is a higher class of demon

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