Ch:1- SHOT

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Shivaay was too numb to react!! Everything was fine sometime before!! Then actually what happened!! He saw Anika loosing her consciousness!! His tears betrayed and his body stiffened!! He saw Anika who he held in his arms with no movement!! In just a few seconds, everything was destroyed!! He saw Anika, closing her eyes!! He wanted to stop her but voice didn't came out of his mouth!! What had happened?? He had no answer!! He just saw Anika running towards him, a sound of gunshot and now he was holding Anika in his arms!!

Shock was underestimate for the family members too!! Nobody could actually make out what had happened!! But when they saw their beloved Anika laying on Shivaay's arms!! Everything became clear for them!! But still they couldn't believe that God could be so cruel to them!! They were shocked to see Shivaay's reaction too. He was not moving, not reacting, not saying anything!! He was just staring at Anika with pain!! Everything just happened in a fraction of second!! 

Shivaay took all his power back and screamed on his highest pitch- Annika.....

Shivaay held Anika in his arms and ran towards the car!!! Rudra sat on the driving seat and Priyanka beside him and Anika in Shivaay's arms in the back seat!! While the Oberois, followed them in the next car!!

Shivaay saw his white kurta, getting soaked with blood!! It was red everywhere!! Anika's body was getting cold !! And he couldn't do anything!! He just hugged her tightly pretending his life depends on her!! Blood was continuously oozing from the place where she was shot!! He was scared at one point!! What!! It can't be!! Never!! He won't let that happen!! Holding her close to his chest, he remembered their moments, their game of Farak Parta Hai, their nok-jkoks!! He stared at her angelic face which was getting pale!! He placed numerous kisses on her face and was only repeating one line- Please Anika!! Wake up!! U cannot leave me!! I cannot live without u!! Please!!

As they reached the hospital, the ward boys came with stretcher. Shivaay painfully kept Anika on it, but didn't left her hand!! No matter what!! They all went towards the ICU!! Soon the other family members too followed him!! As they reached the operation theatre, the ward boys clearly told him, that he can't enter!! But he was not in a position to listen!! He was not ready to leave his beloved's hand!! That's when Pinky came and forcefully took his hand away, while he screamed seeing Anika been taken inside the operation theatre!!

Shivaay sat on the floor, to be true, he just fell on the floor!! While everyone had tears seeing the ruthless Shivaay Singh Oberoi, in such a vulnerable condition!! Pinky sat beside him while he kept his head on her shoulder and cried!! Nobody could do anything!! Pinky stroked her fingers calmly on his head, consoling him!! While Rudra phone called Om who was away in an exhibition!! 

Few seconds later, the door opened, and the nurse came out!! Everyone bombarded her with questions while she had only one answer-I cannot say anything, the doctors are checking!! Who is her husband? Rudra pointed out to Shivaay's direction and the nurse said- U have to come inside!! Shivaay's leg was betraying him, it were shaking but still he held himself and followed the nurse inside the operation theatre!!

Shivaay went inside and saw the doctors checking his Anika!! He stared towards her with pain!! The nurse gave him all the jewellery that Anika was wearing!! He looked at them and for the last time glanced at Anika before moving out. Outside, he gave those ornaments to Pinky, but kept the mangalsutra!! He tied it on his hand and kept his hand close to his heart, thinking about their marriage, when he made her wear it and then about the gunshot when she fell on his arms!! He kissed the Mangalsutra many a times!!

The doctor came out of the operation theatre and said- Its difficult to save her!!! She is critical!! She has been shot near the heart!! U have to sign the consent form stating if something happens to her, the hospital and the doctors won't be responsible for it!!                                                                     That was it and Shivaay''s eyes became bloodshot red, all the pain which he was holding in himself till now, transformed into anger and he stood up, went straight to the doctor and held his collars while everyone shouted and tried to separate him- How Dare u?? Do u know who is she!! She is my wife!! Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife!! She is my life!! She is Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi!! I will destroy the world if anything happens to her!! I will kill u if u say something again like this next time!!                                                                                                                                                                 Om had just came at that moment, land slipped from his feet when he came to know that his beloved Bhabhi was shot!! And now seeing the ruthless Shivaay Singh Oberoi again, he knew it was difficult to control him!! He went and slapped Shivaay!! Om- Have u gone mad Shivaay!! Its his duty!! Trust me, Bhabhi wont leave us!! Sign on the form!! Don't make it late more!!                    Shivaay saw his brother and immediately hugged him, he cried like a baby and asked him- Anika won't leave me naa...she won't na....                                                                                                                            Om cried and said- Never, sign the form!!

With trembling hands he signed the form!! Om- Doctor, I am sorry, actually he.....                                  Doctor-No, its fine!! He loves his wife a lot....The doctor went to Shivaay and said- Don't worry!! I will try my best!! The doctor left while Om Ru hugged Shivaay and  they sat on the chair!!


Hey so guys!! This is the first update of this book, and also the first ever emotional update I have ever written!! I have never written such an emotional update so far till now!! So I really don't know how is it!! I really didn't know how it came out!! So would eagerly wait for ur reviews!! Please be truthful, and tell how did u find it!!

Vote and comment if u like it!!

With Lots of Love


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