Chapter 8

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I put on whatever fits me from what we scavenged off the police officers body and the other body"s we cleared the chest armor and belt of stuff is gonna come in handy always in my eyes I look over at Victor he looking a lot better after what happened to him but I hope he's good with my bat. I then look at Mickey she got my bag and the pistol on her " I hope she doesn't need to use it in there" we ready by the door autumn had told us that there was a few in there but the halls connection it and to the door outside shes unsure about. I look at them "you guys ready?" Victor the only who replies "ready as we'll ever be I guess" I open the door an we head down the hall to the cafeteria its kinda nice were so close to it. I look through the first of two doors windows looks like some have came through the glass doors from the right I whisper "dammit there in our way guys" I start thinking to myself for a while but then I hear Victor whisper" whats the plan Logan we really need that stuff in there" I nod taking an extra minute before I speak "okay here's the plan i'll break the window here and the one for the cafeteria and kill any of them that come up to it but i'm gonna need you guys to watch that door if one or two come take them out but four or five we retreat back behind this door and we deal with them okay?" they nod "sound better then taking them all on".  I break the window and kill all of them that come to it " man I wish I worked out a little before all this" I hear Mickey laugh a little I smile and push open the door and corpses blocking it I look outside and seeing nothing I then clear out the hall before we work on the kitchen " which one you think is important guy?"Mickey suggests that both the food and water are important. I gesture to the outside world on my right " alright then keep me covered " I try the door handle "damn it's locked I guess someone had the right idea to lock it with everything that happened".I smash the window I'd have to get my whole arm in to grab the other nob I put my arm thought the window grabbing the nob but I suddenly feel something grab and pull me into the door and with it glass shards into my arm and shoulder " fuck!!!" I quickly leverage myself and pulling with all I can whatever's grabbing me into the door.  I get my hand out the window watching as it nearly miss the tips of my fingers but it still holds on to me like a vise . I look over at them " someone grab my knife and stab it god dammit!!" I see Mickey rush over shes hesitating but finally she drives the knife into its skull causing it to let go making me hit my head into the wall  " aaaahhh fuck ....Jesus Christ that was close...." I hear nobody says anything back I sigh in pain" lets just get what we need and get the hell back then...".

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