A Middle Schooler's Rants

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*You slowly enter my home, my butler telling you that I'm upstairs. You start walking upstairs, following close behind the butler. You look down a long hallway, and he leads you to a room.* "He's in there." Marty the butler exclaims. *You slowly turn the handle, and what you see makes you scream and cry out in agony. There, sitting in a chair making out with Clara from Doctor who, is me.* "What the crap are you doing?!" You yell. "Eh?" I say, getting up slowly. "Oh. You came here for a story. Okrr.. Sit down." *You slowly sit, relaxing.* "Here is what happened. From day one." I say, as I click a screen on.

"Urgh I wish I was on the same team as you.." My best friend In da world Morgan says.

(As you know, I'm very popular.. *coughs* with girls.

We entered the little 6th grade lounge, and let me tell you. I've never see so many people in my life, running around. It was like that movie with the apes..running all around.. Eh?

Anyways.. Roster. That word is fun to say. Just say it. (Pronounced ros-terr) roster. Roster. Roster roster roster. Roster. Roster roster..

ANYWAYS. The bell rang blah blah. I went to my locker with my friends Bailey and Kiarra (we just call her Kiki, and we call Bailey "Bay Bay." xD)

So I walked to class with them, and we sat down. I started looking around at the people, trying to figure them out. They all were talking and some were hugging and stuff and.. Yeah wAAAAYL. The teacher called name roll and I learned all their names. The she made us sit in assigned seats.. Gosh darnit I hate assigned seats. I had to sit next to some kid name Caleb. (Note this was 3 weeks ago, I didn't know he was terrible as crap then, but I do now.) so I said hi to him and all he did was look up at me. I probably shouldn't have said this, but I said.. "Well, HELLO to you too.. >_>" this got his attention. He just flipped me off. Uhh.. Well.. We're going to be great friends! Hence the sarcasm.

Then I had Spanish class. It was an awesome class, my teacher is so funny, and she is just.. So hilarious. Also, I skipped Math class in this entire book, because I hate math.

Anyways, too far ahead. I have L.A then Math then Chorus then Spanish, then Lunch recess, then Social studies then science. Chorus is fun, we get to sing all kinds of songs.. From pop to hip hop. :3 Anyways, let's skip forwards to lunch.

-3 weeks later, to this boring Monday-

Well harrrrrrrro!

I've studied these kids.. THEY ARE JUST.. ._.

The nerd- always raises his or her hand to answer every question. And instead of just telling the answer, that person has to tell a life story that explains the answers. I got so mad.. But then I looked at this girl who said; "Aye.. Nerdette.." Great name for the nerd.

Well.. O.e this is only one part of the book. ;3


Let's talk about the shy kids.

You have at least one in your class.

I have 2.

Let's call them.. Shyley. Yeah, 'cuz dats a name..


Anyways, this first type of Shyley is just anti-social and just sits in the corner of the classroom while we are just having fun with the best Social Studies teacher In the world, and I look back to see you holding a notebook that looks all mysterious..

And who knows what's in that notebook..

"Journal entry #46

Every day, it's getting harder and harder to keep my secret..

I think Jake is figuring it out..

(Note When I say Jake I'm referring to myself.)

I just can't keep it in..

I'm really..




Anyways, some of us feel terrible for dis girl and we just wish we could hug her and support her. But every time we try to get near her, she just slowly slides away.

Like a snail.

Anyways, let's talk about Shyley #2.

So this girl is also shy, but just a little more.

Jussssssst a little.

Roster. Roster roster roster roster ROSTER roster.


So we had to do a project, and she was like the 3rd person called up, so she goes up.

And it went something like this..

"I did m-m-my p-project.. O-on u-uhh.."

And every word she stuttered on, I heard these two guys behind me snickering.

I knew what I had to do.

A little later, the teacher walked out and said we could talk.

So I went up to the guys and said,

"You do know its rude to laugh at people?"

One of them smirked while they other snickered.

"Oh so you do know? Next time you stutter on the most simple words such as fruit or chocolate, I'll laugh and smirk at you, and your mother will hear this from so far away that, she will think you're being bullied. Then she will decide to put you in speaking classes, and a 82 year old man named Mr. Saggy buns will teach you second grade English very slowly, very VERY slowly, until you graduate."



They stopped smiling, and everyone watched them.

They blushed so hard.

"Is your face SUPPOSED to be that red? Or were you born like that?"

I could hear people clapping.

Then the teacher walked back in, and I said sarcastically,

"Have a wonderful day!"

well dats all for today!


Don't let people be mean to you.

Also kids, don't do drugs.... *coughs* without me.

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