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The sound of the rain deafened out the running of a fourteen year old boy as he ran through alleyways, ducking and diving every so often as he went, his bare feet rubbed raw on the pavement, his blond fringed hair matted with grime that appeared to never leave, the black and maroon of the rest of his hair was pressed against his head as it rained.

"A main street?!" He was elated, so was the the 4 year old girl in his arms, her white hair made brown by dirt and grime, the horn on her head hidden by the boy's shirt on her head, in an attempt to keep her dry.

They dashed into the street hoping to find someone who could help them, the girl held the deck his quirk needed as they ran, they would draw one when they needed, then put it back for another use later, hoping whatever it summoned held him long enough for them to make some distance.

"Where do you think you're going with Eri, Yugi!?" Spikes erupted from behind them as Eri pulled another card and handed it to Yugi as he continued to run.

"Dark magician girl!" Suddenly a blonde girl appeared from a summoning circle that seemed to just pop into existence, said blonde girl produced a magic circle that almost reached the black haired man behind them which in turn summoned a large explosion that shook the buildings near them as they ran.

Yugi smiled, they were going to make it, he was going to get her out, she couldn't live through the torture and the experiments, it would have cost her childhood, he wouldn't let that happen to her, not like him, no one else.

Suddenly he felt weightless looked down, they were floating, he saw the dark magician girl with her staff pointing at them as she moved them faster than they could run.

As he looked forward she spoke surprising both of the children. "You know, I'd greet you but it appears that'll have to wait." She giggled to herself as they fundamentally flew as they hovered over the ground.

"That man is persistent, sadly I'm not so easy to be rid of, sad for him at least." She laughed as the magic circle from earlier formed at the end of her finger and launched beam of purple and black energy through the incoming spikes then into the sky, as it parted everything they clouds parted and the heavy rain stopped.

"My time is up, good luck kiddo!" She giggled as she placed them down and let them run again, she had disappeared as soon as she finished her sentence.

They were running again, Yugi looked back at their pursuer, he looked worse now, he was putting the hole in his shoulder back together.

She hit him! Yugi smiled at the thought of his captors pain, but refocused as a tired man grabbed his shoulder.

"Be quiet!, I called for backup so just help me distract him till we can capture whoever's chasing you." The man whispered as he then continued talking. "So do you know anything about the explosion and that laser earlier?"

Yugi acted quickly, acting more scared. "No!, it happened to quickly!" He mouthed a few words. Don't let his hands touch you. It was enough to warn the man, it seemed to register in his tired eyes and the next few questions were short, unrelated things, till the pursuer caught up.

"Ahh, it seems you've found my son and daughter, I'm sorry for the inconvenience mister hero but could I please take them home? I'm sure they're tired." His voice came out so sickening sweet and concerned that it made no sense to Yugi and Eri.

"That's not possible at the moment, there have been reports of an explosion nearby along with the recent laser that spilt the clouds overhead, but are you alright?, you're shirt is covered in blood." The man responded neutrally, like this is a common occurrence in his day by day life.

Silently Eri pulled another card, just in case it was needed, the card was a almost useless except for defense, good thing it was useful in this situation.

As soon as Yugi saw the man reach his hand forward he acted. "Big Shield Gardna!" Suddenly a massive man appeared and bashed the beak masked man sending him sprawling across the road, the tired man watched with fascination, as the giant of a man as large as endeavour and all might lifted his massive shield in front of him then spoke in a deep gravelly manner.

"Dark. Girl. Told. Us. To. Be. Ready. You. Summoner?"

Yugi nodded quickly, up to this point he only summoned nonhuman monsters, he guessed humanoid ones where able to speak.

"Good. I. Protect. Name. Gardna."

Gardna faced forward his massive body tensed lick a coiled spring, ready to move at any moment, his eyes darkened into complete focus on his foe, his defense was high, but that's not how he really is, the card exaggerates weaknesses, never allowing true freedom.

Just then spikes shot out of the ground, Gardna wasn't fazed he stomped forward. This moment was engraved into Yugi's mind, as the giant broke through spike after spike like they were nothing more than paper.

When his shield was dismantled by his foe Gardna instead of being unsummoned smashed the small man with his bare hand, sending him into the wall, more spikes sprouted from the wall, again Gardna moved forward, his shield wasn't what made his defense so high.

It was his skin alone that made him so tough, the moment he grasped his foes arms was the end of their battle, the fool struggling was an oddity as most when faced with a foe like Gardna would know when to stop, the resounding snap of the mans arms rang out before Gardna's timer went out.

Yugi, Eri and the tired hero approached, the masked man spoke now, it was strained and definitely him being in pain.

"Yugi!, I'll get you back for that!" He twisted his body making his useless arm slap the wall behind him, his quirk creating walls around him as he broke a hole for him to run.

The tired hero didn't react fast enough to interrupt him, just then more heroes and police arrived.

The children were taken in for questioning, not everything was revealed, including the strange upside down pyramid that hung from Yugi's neck.

This was two weeks before the tired hero: Shota Aizawa and his girlfriend adopted the two children, for the rest of the year they had them.

To Yugi and Eri it was a dream, Eri "Snow" Aizawa and Yugi "Muto" Aizawa were reunited with the world of quirks.


VN: holy hell, hope you all enjoyed this, I'll be working on my stories some more but I believe this will be a main project.

And remember, I don't own boku no hero academia or yugioh.

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