Chapter 1: new life.

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"Talking" "All Might: buff form."
Disclaimer: Bakugo Katsuki.

The sun invaded the comfort of the darkness of his room, as he lifted a 40 pound weight with one hand and checked through a deck of cards with the other,  so far he had been awake since four o'clock in the morning, his sister shouting as she fell out her bed finally broke him from his trance.

"It's already time to get up?" He was honestly more surprised his sister got up than the time. He stood, grabbed his deck make sure to separate his favorites into a smaller deck, clipped them to his belt and exited his room,  he could hear his mother making horrible jokes to herself already.

His father's groans of either exasperation or tiredness made it abundantly clear that this year of U.A's class 1-A were going to be on his nerves before they even enter the entrance exam.

"Yugi-nii!" The now fifteen year old was bumped forward as his five year old sister crashed into his back, she and him have changed over the past year, Yugi now stood 5'9 and a half inches, plus he had buffed up enough that he attracted more attention without a shirt than his hair does on a daily basis.

Eri while not growing taller by much,  has definitely trained her quirk and set limits on herself, she never goes past five hours unless necessary, she spends a good amount of time helping in U.A's infirmary.

"Ah!, Eri what have I told you about aiming for the knees!?"

"Break them and run!"

"Not when it's me!"

The laughter that bellowed from the kitchen from his mother told him that she heard them. He sighed and picked up his annoying little sister and entered the kitchen of the three bedroom apartment, his father's eyes showed a hint of his enjoyment of the occurrence.

"So break them and run huh?" He cast a playful glare at him, his mother finally got off the floor from her fit of laughter, her smile present as always.

"You two should get going to school soon, especially little snow there, heard something about your project being due." Just then a cat hopped on top of Aizawa's head as he laid on the table.

"Yeah but we have time, it's only 9 minutes away from here, and my school is only 14 minutes from there,  we'd be an hour early." As the blonde fringed boy said that he scratched the cat behind its ears.

After that they ate breakfast with small conversations about things, Yugi being reminded to wear his uniform correctly, Eri being told to stop rewinding her drink every time she dropped it just to watch it go back into the cup.

On the walk to Eri's school with her little project in hand being 20 minutes early around here was common, and sometimes expected. Yugi smiled as his little sister hummed a joyous little tune his mother did in the mornings, they were an oddity, a multi colored head of spiky hair on a boy walking hand in hand with a white haired angel of a child.

"You're heading to Satsuki's house later aren't you?"

"Well it's her brother's birthday so she invited me, I kinda have to."

Yugi nodded as Eri waved back at him as she entered the school,  then proceeded to fix his uniform so it hung loosely by a small chain and he could actually breath, he took his time walking to his junior high school, he saw a blonde and green haired boy walking together, more like the greenet walked behind the blonde, but they seemed friendly, unlike when they were in school, Yugi smiled and caught up with them.

"Well this is a surprise, Bakugo being nice to Midoriya."

They froze, perhaps they never thought that they would be caught like this, in sync they turned to him eyes wide, mouth agape. Oh they definitely didn't think of being caught,  especially by him of all people.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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