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Stuck between middle school

and elementary is like being on

your tippy toes on a steep cliff,

confused about wanting to stay

there and between wanting to

take the step forward. 

But now, I've fallen into a void

where things are similar but different,

there are lockers, there are new people,

there are new teachers,

but still just another school year.

In elementary, the classes were like a huge

blanket where everyone was a thread,

fitting in tightly. 

Although the step forward over the cliff

has me thinking about how some threads

are pulled away to different schools,

different lives.

The blanket is being stretched here and there,

the threads unraveling, some trying to hold on,

others pulling away to new blankets, new threads,

I am sorry to say that I am just another thread

pulling away leaving destruction and

chaos and holes in my wake.

However no matter what

blanket I've joined, I don't always

fit in,  maybe that's why I keep

reaching for another one.


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