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When people don't know what they're talking about or have no sense of knowledge on the topic, Why do people still talk about it? When other people open their mouths gossip comes out, about the latest "Did you hear?" but when someone asks me that, I just go "..." that's it. Most people think I just don't talk much or I'm mute. That was a gossip topic last month. But they're wrong I'm the most talkative person my friends know, but I only talk to people I'm comfortable with. But I guess that's what high school is just: Gossip, Gossip, Gossip. Either on social media platforms like Instagram or just in general, The latest "did you hear...?"

"Hey, are you okay?" Naomi had asked looking around and turning back to me nudging me with it her pointy elbow "hey".

"I'm fine" I had replied

"Are you sure?"

" Just... Ugh, why did she have to kiss him, even if she knows I like him..."

"I knew you weren't fine" Naomi had said pointing to the sky as if she cracked a case."but it's not like she kissed him on the lips or anything"

"I know, it just boils me up," I had said through clenched teeth. Just then the last period bell rings, as we headed to class Naomi pats my shoulder and says everything is going to be okay. Then she left and sat down in her seat, which is right beside me.

_ _ _

"Okay class today we are going to do freestyle, so that means your going to paint whatever you feel like," Ms. Matthews had said with a smile, as we all got started, I had taken a glance up and had seen Victoria sarcastically smiling at me.

She's up to something

"Victoria is up to something," Naomi had said staring at me attentively

"Yeah I noticed," I said playfully and had rolled my eyes

"Of course you did" she had winked at me, as I smiled dipping my #6 brush into the dark grey paint I mixed up earlier.

_ _ _

The class has been working in silence for a while, As Ms. Matthews walked around absorbing other peoples artwork and commenting on their artwork, she then stopped in front of me. "Now class this is true artwork" Ms. Matthews had said softly-but loud enough so the class could hear- Holding my wet Canvas out to the class turning around so everyone could see, I had sunken into my seat in embarrassment.

It was a painting of Jared sitting across from me (where he normally sits), painting on his canvas, but eyes staring up at my direction and the background in a blur, His dark hair shining. Some blank spots in the corner, it's incomplete.

"This is truly wonderful," Ms. Matthews had said giving me back my 16" by 10" canvas as Naomi nudged my side with her elbow. "What are you painting Mr. Anderson?" Ms. Matthews had asked heading the opposite direction as us- to Jared's direction, as Naomi nudged me again.

"Stop, I'm sitting right here," I said through clenched teeth, but in a low voice glaring at her, she had muttered a quiet nonchalant sorry.

"Ahhh... This" Ms. Matthews had said picking up Jared's canvas as he went wide eyes not expecting her to do that.

It was a painting of a girl with thick black hair that is pulled up in a loose ponytail, but tight enough to keep all the hair out of her face, Her tan skin yet pale glowing, the girl has a paintbrush between her middle and pointer finger, and her head sits freely in the palm of her hand, the surrounding background in a blur yet not finished making her look beautiful.

"That's you" Naomi nudged my side again "damn" she muttered under her breath.

That can't be me, she's too pretty

"As you two paint each other, id like to think you two have something going on." Said the class clown- Jack. I had looked down, but just in time the final bell rang the class gets up but I stayed in my seat "You coming?" Naomi asked,

"Uh... No, I just want to finish my painting," I had said picking my brush back up, I looked at her and bit my lip as she nodded and walked out.

"Staying after school Ms. Cantwell, Mr, Anderson-" I nodded my head "- well I have a meeting to go to, so make sure to lock the door and to turn off the lights, I'm trusting you both." Ms. Matthews said smiling and picking up her bag and closing the door, exiting the classroom.

It's just me and him

Simultaneously, we sighed, Jared, picked up his brush again and dipped it in a dark yellow and starts painting again.

I smiled and dip my brush in light grey and continued, I took a glance up, and saw his head in the palm of his hands, and staring at me deep in thought.

"What?" I had whispered dropping my paintbrush in water.

"Your just that beautiful that-" he had stopped himself mid-sentence and had looked down taking a deep breath "-nothing"

"Okay," I had said shrugging it off disappointed, continuing my painting.

Don't have to lie...

After a while I couldn't hold in my curiosity, so I had gotten up and dragged my chair with, and sat down in front of him, he had looked surprised and embarrassed.

Why is he embarrassed

"Why...?" I had whispered looking up at Jared.

"What do you mean?" he had asked smiling

"Why did you paint me?" I asked with confidence, Jared took a deep breath but, before he could reply we heard a faint ding, he kneels down and took out his phone from his backpack.

"I have to go"



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