part 7

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Billie: hey mamas

Naiya: hey baby

Billie: what you doing

Naiya: nm you

Billie: i'm at rehearsal
Billie: do you want to cum over?

Naiya: bro I read that differently,
if you know what I mean

Billie : your nasty 🤦

Naiya : anyways,
where is it?

Billie : it's at *random address*

Naiya : okk I'll be there in 10

10 minutes and 3 seconds later:

Naiya turned her keys in her car and looked at herself in the mirror repeating to herself "your a bad bitch, don't be scared" then when she finally had enough courage she got out of the car and shut the door once she got to the entrance of the arena a security guard was there and you told him your name but he didn't let you in because you weren't on the list, so you called Billie.

Billie's pov:

I was rehearsing all the good girls go to hell when my phone started to ring, so I ran over to it and turns out it was naiya, "what does this bozo want" I mumbled


B: hey what's up mamas

N: heyy so I'm here but they won't let me in

B: ok I'm on my way, bye


I threw the phone on the sofa after texting naiya to meet me round the back entrance after I told finneas where i was going and then walked through the corridor to the back entrance, I started to jog because I couldn't wait to see her once I got to the door I opened it and ran into naiyaa arms and hugged her for what seemed like forever, when we separated I dragged her to my green room and introduced her to my family

Billie: mum, dad, finneas this is Naiya

Naiya: heyy

Maggie: hello sweetheart *hugs naiya*

naiya: hey Maggie, how are you *hugs her back*

Maggie: I'm good, you *pulls back from the hug and holds her shoulders*

Naiya: I'm good

Patrick: hey naiya*shakes her hand*

Naiya: hey Patrick *shakes his hand and laughs a little*

Finneas: NAIYAAA


naiya runs up to finneas and hugs him as he lifts her off the floor and spins her around

Fineas: how are you kid *he says as putting her on the floor*

naiya: I'm good tired but good, you *she said sitting down next to billie*

Finneas: I'm good, *he said smiling as Billie put her hand on naiyas thigh subconsciously*

naiyas pov:

Billie put her hand on my thigh as we were both on our phones, Billie then decided to go live, so she balanced her phone up on the table in front of us. I tried to walk to finneas and talk to him while Billie was talking to her fans but she had other plans, Billie pulled me onto her lap and she put her head in my neck and her hands around my waist as I tried to look away from the camera.

Billie's pov:

I had naiya on my lap, so I looked at my phone to see what the comments would be and read some if them out loud:
( comments are in italic and underlined, bold is them speaking)

Fan1: you guys are so cute

Billie: tank youu

Fan2: are you together?

Naiya: nope
Billie: nope

Fan3: Billie what colour are you dying your hair next

Billie: issa surprise *she winks at the camera*

naiya: bro they are so fucking cute, like sit on my face and call me daddy

Billie: your the one who should be calling me daddy naiya

*Billie then slaps naiyas thigh which makes her jump then gets a call saying she had an interview to go to the next morning, so she said goodbye to everyone and went home.

Once she was at home naiya had a shower then got into booty shorts and a hoodie, she then played 'i don't want do this anymore by xxxtentacion' as background noise for her to sleep. Around 20 minutes later she fell asleep.


bye beautiful people :))

billie eilish~wrong numberWhere stories live. Discover now