~The Angel And Devil~

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Caesar's P.O.V.

This whole Dylan Scarlet Darren problem became more worse the moment Dylan decided to leave us, he insisted that he really planned to leave whatever the result of the game but I know that was pure bullshit. He is smart but when it comes to his feelings it seems like he can't even understand his true feelings.

"What happened to the both of you? You both look like zombies who haven't eaten for a month"

Darren, the angel in the past came down from the flight of stairs. We came to his house to fetch him so we can just use one vehicle on the way to the airport, I can't believe Dylan is going to leave us today. I really thought that he was joking, but once he made up his mind we knew there was no turning back.

"You'll be the one eaten if you won't shut your lips" I muttered, quite annoyed.

Darren revealed himself to us with a smile on his face, instead of looking amused at our situation it appears to me that he was actually more happy to know that Dylan is leaving us... what the actual heck has gotten to this angel that now had turned to a demon?

"Why is it hard for us to wake Dylan up? Why is he so adamant to go to London when he can just study his business here?"

"Well that's where he wants to be, who are we to stop him from reaching his dreams?" Darren answered casually again, his answer was more suspicious so Connor turned to me in confusion as well.

"Darren you sound as if you're happy that he's going to be gone, for a moment I thought it was really your plan to send him away so you can have Scarlet"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like Scarlet romantically? Why do you keep pushing her to me?"

"Because the way you act around her seems very protective and the way you act around Dylan seems like you're asking him for a match, a fight for Scarlet's heart" Darren sighed and just shrugged as if my words we nothing...

Dylan should better not leave us when Darren is acting psychotic like this.

"It wouldn't be my fault if he chooses to go, honestly leaving Scarlet right now simply means he just lost the fight without even starting it. I thought it will get more interesting but he already chose to give up"

"That words of yours is making us more confused, what the heck is really happening between the 3 of you?" I'm really going to kill this man...

"It's time for Dylan to leave, let's head to the airport so we will be able to see him one final time"

With those final words Darren suddenly went out of his house and waited for us in his car, the one we will be using to head to the airport.

"One day with that kind of Darren will surely kill me, what the heck did he eat to act suddenly creepy like that?"

"Don't ask that to me, it seems like he already lost a bolt even when we were young"

Standing before Dylan and Danica made it harder for us to wave goodbye, it felt like I wanted to cry due to the sadness we could feel.

"Si, don't miss us in London. I already emailed out prictures, you can look at them when you miss me" Connor spoke with a smile, well this guy really did what he said. He's been up all night just to send him pictures of us.

"Who wants to see your face? I'm not a woman" Dylan scoffed, up till now he is still very arrogant, refusing to make his facade fall.

"You guys are like little girls, he won't be gone forever because he's still not dead" Danica muttered in which I spoke with a few romantic words.

"With you gone nobody will yell at us or kick us, we'll feel so lonely"

"Really? I'll miss you too. Give me a hug"

"Have you said goodbye to Scarlet?"

Danica suddenly asked her brother which made me turn to Connor sharply, well wherevee Scarlet is right now I just hope she's also thinking about Dylan... atleast once, Dylan would feel better if he knew she was also worried about his welfare.

"Why should I say goodbye to an ugly thing? Besides Darren is here to take care of her"

Sensing the tension, Danica immediately changed the topic...

"Okay, we need to board the plane. It's nice to see you guys before we leave"

"Have a safe flight, don't miss us to much" I muttered with a laugh, the two began to walk away with a sad look-

"Dylan wait"

Everyone hatled the moment Darren suddenly spoke, he's been looking very serious and seemingly thinking very deeply earlier. It's almost as if he became the scene stealer when Dylan should be the main lead as of today as he's finally leaving us.

"I have something to tell you"

Danica turned to look at us curiously, well the plan was to just wave goodbye to Dylan so that they will be on their way to London since Mrs. Wang really misses her son but then I don't think Darren is aware of this, it appears like he has other plans which he doesn't want to share with us.

Darren began to walk closer to Dylan then whispered something against his ear. After what it seemed like 30 seconds, Dylan reacted strongly as he turned to look at Darren sharply.

"What the heck are they talking about?" Connor asked me as we kept a close eye on the two. Well whatever Darren told Dylan it was probably something worth shocking.

"How would I know? He was a creep earlier remember?"

We all went on our separate ways after their small talk was done, we all decided to go back to Darren's house for a few minutes so that we could also know what was happening in his life. Apparently it seems like he's being more secretive these days, not even telling us what his plans are.

"That ends the day, I'm really going to miss Dylan" Connor muttered like a child, he had this teary eyes moment in the car the moment we left the airport. He tried to hide it but it was of no use, I think Darren took a video of him.

"Don't be a girl, Darren what did you say to Dylan? It seemed to shock him when you whispered"

Darren smiled softly, shrugging his shoulders and plopping down on the other side of the couch.

"I just told him the truth, something that will not make him more delusional"

And that is? Something about Scarlet?

"That he was actually the one whom Scarlet likes"

I Miss You, I'm Going Crazy (Meteor Rain # 3)Where stories live. Discover now