The basement

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Uzair pov.

"Zoya you go I'll be home soon" I say Zoya but she does not listen to me.

For God sake this girl is so sticky.. I know she is here and treating me or helping me whatever, to get myself back again. But I'm a one who loves his personal space. I mean I really feel irritated sometimes.

She is always being there whenever and wherever I go.. I'm glad she does not come in washroom. How long this thing will take.

"I cannot leave you like this Uzair please understand.." she says.

I roll my eyes, why does this girl won't leave me alone.

"Zoyaaaa, I have some work please let me be alone for some time" I request her with a force smile sounding polite but I'm genuinely pissed.

"Uzair.." she utter. "Zoya please" I insisted.

She nods. As if it's a most difficult decision of her life. What is wrong with this girl. Anyways I need to go somewhere, to meet someone very important.

"Uzair I'll be here in the clinic itself if you need something please don't forget to call" she assures. I know she is very concerned but why??? Who am I to her. Anyways I need to go I'm in hurry. "Yeah fine!" I say and driver helps me in.

"Hey Zain" I call out seeing him with the lawyer Lee.

"Hi, what are doing here Uzair? Is everything alright?" He asks me while helping me come in the police station.

"Yea..yeah I'm fine" I say.

"What brings you here?" He asks.

"Umm.. Zain can you do me a favor, please." I ask and gulps.

"Sure" he says helping me in the wheel chair.

"I want to meet Hasan" I state and he looks at me as if I ask him about a severe sin. "What's wrong?" I ask.

He blink. "Why?"

"Bro please" I request. He nods.

The Constable helps me in the room while Hasan waiting in the chair.

"Ohhooho, well, you did not die??
Ah! Man poor me, anyways there's the place where you belong to son!" He say as soon as he sees me entering.

He looks a bit older than usual, hair looks white and black in some area. Looks like he is not able to sleep much, his eyes peeps out and dark circles appear more. His cheeks sunken and lips dries.

"Well, yeah! Even you so called dad, even you are at the right place, where you belong." I reply with a fake smile.

He smirks. "Tell me what brings you here?" He ask.

"You are my dad right, umm unfortunately.. but still you are.." I shrug. "So... your son, I wish I wasn't, wants to meet you one last time.. as you know.. you're gonna be hanged to death anyway" I say.

" Well, well, well, dear son, don't be in dreams, come out from it.. I know you have not been sleeping good these days.. your dad is not so mad that he can do this to himself... Whatever evidences you might all have, I'm going to get it away... Mind it." He says and grinned. He looks creepy, I swear. His eye bags bring the more creepy look.

"Oh my God!!! I'm scared.. somebody help me!!!" I utter and narrow my eyes at him. "What do you think you are huh?" I add.

"Your dad" he winks. I roll my eyes.

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