The Ghostly Return of Bouldergeist

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Mikey's P.O.V.

Singing that song made me hungry. I wish I packed pizzas along the way. Now I miss Ice Cream Kitty!!

"Donnie? Is Bouldergeist that smart to make an invisible wall?" I asked

"Well we don't know the background of the person mutated. Perhaps he used to be a scientist or got smart because of the mutation though that is highly unlikely because it's a rock and well, you know how rocks are." said Donnie

"Whaaaaat?" I said

"Ugh. Yes Mikey, he is that smart." he said

Leo's P.O.V.

We got to Bouldergeist's lair. Seems rocky. We saw Bouldergeist fixing up a weird machine that has a lot of light. There are other smaller mutant rocks around him.

"Donnie, what is that?" I asked

"Oh, it's a rock's sweet sixteen birthday party!!" said Donnie in a high voice.

"WELL HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!" he said in a really sarcastic way.


We all know that the big fight is starting soon but let's save it for another chapter.


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