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Haechan sighed grabbing his phone staring at the screen of his phone, he sat on his bed opening his account reading those messages from the usual old and unattractive men that would text him around this time of the day and that he would punctually ignore.

Sugardaddy1: Hey,baby boy, I want to take care of you, you'll be my little princess and won't be missing anything.

Sugardaddy2: Hello how are you? I'm ready to be your sugar daddy, spoil you with money and attentions. Contact me at xxxxxx

Sugardaddy3: wanna see my dick?

Haechan scoffed throwing his phone on the chair near by as he laid down on his comfy bed. Never in a million years he would've imagined to be so desperate for money to have to join a sugar daddy site.

Haechan came from a quite wealthy and very conservative family. His parents had big expectations for him but he didn't mind. He had a lot of competition, his older sister had graduated and became the director of a very well known bank in the center of Seoul,so he had to do good too.

His grades were okay. He could definitely do better. The typical student that teachers talk about by saying the famous sentence "He's smart but he doesn't apply himself on the school work". In fact Haechan had his mind on other things. He liked to have fun. Lots of fun. He would invite "friends" over all the time. His parents started to have some doubts about the younger's sexuality but just didn't want to admit to themselves that maybe their son was...was gay.

If only Haechan knew coming out to his parents would be the worst decision he could take. The decision that would break into pieces his prestigious future.

So Haechan had to move out, thankfully his friend's, Chenle, family owned small apartments all over town and Haechan was offered to be able to sleep there until he would find another place. But now his first year of college was supposed to be starting. And let me tell you. College is expensive.

Haechan got up grabbing once again his phone, he went on his account and tapped on the settings button ready to sign out and eliminate such an app.

But right before he could click off a new notification came on the top of the screen.


Should he give it a try?

"Chill out. This is not anything you haven't done before."

That's all Haechan could think of as he got off the bus and found himself in front of a huge ass building, the glass doors slid open as he walked in looking around amazed.

The place seemed to be very expensive, he smiled bitterly thinking of when he could go to such expensive places as his daily routine.


Haechan woke up from his daydreaming turning his head towards the door man sitting behind the desk.

"Can i help you?" Said the older man who seemed to be looking up and down at Haechan in a way that made the younger feel uncomfortable and out of place.

"Uhm, I'm here to see... eh..."

Haechan had literally forget the name of his new possible sugar daddy, he looked through his bag trying to find his phone, emptying the inside of the backpack on the counter.

"Sir, I really don't think the person you're looking for lives here." Said The man raising his eyebrow.

Haechan gulped angrily "and why is that? You don't think someone like me might be able to know someone in this building?!"

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